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Adoption of the Gregorian calendar IPFS 9367813 ...
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The adoption of the Gregorian Calendar is an event in the modern history of most countries and societies, marking the shift from their traditional (or stylish ) traditional dating system to a modern (or new style ) dating systems are widely used around the world today. Some countries adopted a new calendar from 1582, some did not do it before the beginning of the twentieth century, and others did so on various dates between; But some continue to use different civil calendars. For many people, new style calendars are only used for civilian purposes and old-style calendars are still used in religious contexts. Today, the Gregorian calendar is the most widely used civil calendar in the world. During - and for some time after - changes between systems, it's common to use the terms Old Style and New Style when giving dates, to indicate which calendar to use to calculate them.

The Gregorian calendar was decided in 1582 by the papal bull Inter gravissimas by Pope Gregory XIII, to correct the difference in the canonical date of the spring equinox [north] of the observed reality (due to errors in the Julian System) affecting the date calculation Easter. Although Gregory's reform is enacted in the greatest forms available to the Church, it has no authority outside the Catholic Church and the Pontifical State. The changes he proposed were changes to the civil calendar, where he had no formal authority. They require adoption by civil authorities in each country to have a legal effect.

The Bull became the canonical law of the Catholic Church in 1582, but was not recognized by the Protestant churches, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and several others. As a result, the days when Easter and related holidays are celebrated by different Christian churches are back to deviate.

Video Adoption of the Gregorian calendar

The difference between Julian and Gregorian

When changing the date that occurs in a leap year on one calendar but not others, including 29 February in the calculation if the conversion includes a change in February/March (February 28 - March 1). View table (right).

Maps Adoption of the Gregorian calendar

Gregorian calendar first printed

A month after the declaration of reform, the pope (with brief 3 April 1582) awarded to Antoni Lilio the exclusive right to publish the calendar for a period of ten years. The Lunario Novo secondo la nuova riforma was printed by Vincenzo Accolti, one of the first calendars printed in Rome after the reformation, recorded at the bottom signed with the authorization of the pope and by Lilio ( Con licentia delli Superiori... et permissu Ant (onii) Lilij ). The papal brief was lifted on September 20, 1582, as Antonio Lilio proved unable to comply with requests for copies.

Adoption Of The Gregorian Calendar Wikipedia Stunning 1961 ...
src: nasionalis.me

Adoption in Catholic countries

Catholic countries such as France, the Italian kingdoms, Poland, Spain (along with European and foreign property), Portugal and the Roman Catholic states of the Holy Roman Empire were the first to change to the Gregorian calendar. Thursday, October 4, 1582 was followed by Friday, October 15, 1582, with ten days skipped. Countries that did not change until the 18th century then observed an additional leap year (1700), which required a decline of eleven days. Some countries did not change until the 19th or 20th century, which required a day or two to be removed from the calendar.

Philip II of Spain decided the change from Julian to the Gregorian calendar, which influenced much of Roman Catholic Europe, as Philip at that time ruled over Spain and Portugal as well as most of Italy. In this region, as well as in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (ruled by Anna Jagiellon) and in the Papal States, a new calendar is held on the date specified by the bull, with Julian Thursday, October 4, 1582, followed by Gregorian Friday, October 15, 1582; Spanish and Portuguese colonies followed for a long time de facto due to delays in communication.

Other Catholic countries soon followed. France adopted a new calendar by Sunday, December 9, 1582, followed by Monday, December 20, 1582. Brabant Province and Zeeland in the Netherlands, and the United States adopted it on December 25 of that year; the provinces that made up South Holland (modern Belgium) except the Duchy of Brabant adopted it on January 1, 1583; The Dutch Province adopted it on January 12, 1583. Seven Swiss Catholic cantons adopted a new calendar in January 1684 while Geneva and some Protestant cantons adopted it in January 1701 or on other dates throughout the 18th century. The two Swiss communes of Schiers and GrÃÆ'¼sch were the last regions in Western and Central Europe to move to the Gregorian calendar, in 1812.

Adoption of the Gregorian calendar - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Adoption in Protestant countries

Many Protestant countries initially objected to adopting Catholic innovations; some Protestants fear the new calendar is part of a plan to return them to Catholic groups. In Britain, Queen Elizabeth I and her secret council have seen the recommendation of the Gregorian royal commission as to drop 10 days from the calendar, but the violent opposition of the Anglican bishops, who argue that the Pope is undoubtedly the fourth beast of Daniel. , leading the Queen to let the matter be dropped calmly. In the Czech lands, Protestants rejected the calendar worn by the Habsburg Monarchy. In some parts of Ireland, the Catholic rebels until their defeat in the Nine-Year War made the "new" Easter contrary to the faithful British authorities; then, Catholics who practice secretly invoke Fide Propaganda for dispensation from observing the new calendar, due to the cues of their unfaithfulness.


The Lutheran Duchy of Prussia, until 1657 still a stronghold of Roman Catholic Rome, was the first Protestant country to adopt the Gregorian calendar under the influence of the liege master, king of Poland, agreed in 1611. So August 22 was followed by 2 September 1612. However, this calendar does not apply to other regions of Hohenzollern, such as Berlin-based Brandenburg, the territory of the Holy Roman Empire.


Through the influence of Ole RÃÆ'¸mer, Denmark in 1700, which later incorporated Norway, adopted the sun part of the Gregorian calendar by Sunday, February 18, 1700, followed by Monday, March 1, 1700, simultaneously with Brandenburg-Pomerania and other Protestant plantations. Holy Roman Empire. None of these countries adopted parts of the moon, instead counting the date of Easter astronomy using the instant of the spring and full moon turning point according to Kepler's Rudolphine Tables in 1627; this combination is referred to by Protestant plantations as an "enhanced calendar" ( Verbesserte Calendar ) and is considered different from Gregorian. They finally adopted the Passover calculations in 1774. The remaining provinces of the Netherlands adopted the Gregorian calendar on July 12, 1700 (Gelderland), 12 December 1700 (Overijssel and Utrecht), 12 January 1701 (Friesland and Groningen) and 12 May 1701 ( Drenthe).


The Swedish relationship with the Gregorian calendar is difficult. Sweden began to make changes from the Julian calendar and to the Gregorian calendar in 1700, but it was decided to make adjustments (then 11 days) gradually by excluding leap days (29 February) from each of the 11 successive leap years, 1700 to 1740. Meanwhile, the Swedish calendar will come out of step with the Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar for 40 years; also, the difference will not be constant but will change every four years. This system has the potential of confusion when working on the date of Swedish events in this 40-year period. To add to the confusion, the system was poorly managed, and the leap days that should have been excluded in 1704 and 1708 were not excluded. The Swedish calendar (as per the transition plan) should be 8 days behind Gregorian but 10 days behind. King Charles XII recognizes that gradual changes to the new system are unsuccessful, and he abandons them. Instead of proceeding directly to the Gregorian calendar, it was decided to return to the Julian calendar. This was achieved by introducing a unique date February 30, 1712, adjusting the difference in the calendar from 10 back to 11 days. Sweden finally adopted the sun part of the Gregorian calendar in 1753, when Wednesday, February 17, followed by Thursday, March 1. Since Finland was under Swedish control at the time, he did the same. The conquest of the 1809 Russian Empire in Finland did not restore this, as autonomy was granted, but government documents in Finland were dated in the Julian and Gregorian styles. This practice ended when independence was obtained in 1917.

United Kingdom and its colonies

Through the enactment of the Calendar (New Style) Act 1750, the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom (including the eastern part of what is now the United States) adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1752, at that time it was necessary to be repaired by 11 days. Wednesday, September 2, 1752, followed by Thursday, September 14, 1752. The claim that rioters demanded "Give us eleven days" arises from a misinterpretation of William Hogarth's paintings.

By the same Act, the Empire (except Scotland, which has done so since 1600) changed the beginning of the civil year to January 1 (from 5 April). As a result, double dating habits (giving dates in old and new styles) may refer to a Julian/Gregorian calendar change, or to the beginning of a year's change, or both.

The British tax year traditionally begins on Women's Day (25 March) on the Julian calendar and thus becomes April 5, which is an equivalent "Old Style". The Julian 12th jumping day in 1800 changed from 6 April. That did not change when the 13th jumper of Julian was skipped in 1900, so the tax year in England still begins on April 6.

Adoption in America

European colonies in America adopted a change when their mother countries did so. In 1752, the British colony (who as stated above adopted the New Style calendar that year) extended as far west as the Appalachian Mountains. New France and New Spain have adopted a new calendar in 1582. In Alaska, change occurred after the United States bought Alaska from Russia. Friday, October 6, 1867 followed by Friday, October 18th. Instead of 12 days, only 11 were passed, and the Sunday was repeated in the days that followed, as at the same time the International Date Line was moved, from following Alaska's eastern border with Canada to follow its new western border, now with Russia.

Adoption Of The Gregorian Calendar Wikipedia Stunning 1961 ...
src: nasionalis.me

Adoption in Eastern Europe

Many countries in eastern Europe are Eastern Orthodox or Islamic and adopt the Gregorian calendar much more slowly than western Christian countries. Roman Catholic countries like the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth adopted the "new style" Gregorian calendar (NS) in 1582, but the transition to the Gregorian calendar for secular use took place in the Eastern Orthodox countries at the end of the 20th century - and some group religions in some of these countries still use the "old-style" Julian calendar (OS) for ecclesiastical purposes.

The Bulgarian Empire changed from Julian to Gregorian calendar during the First World War on March 31, 1916, where the next day was April 14, 1916.

The Rumi Calendar of the Ottoman Empire, used for fiscal purposes, was reorganized from Julian to Gregorian which began on 16 February/1 March 1917. The beginning of this year was reset to 1 January beginning in 1918. Numbering years, though, remained uniquely Turkish until the Gregorian calendar was introduced for general purpose on 1 January 1927.

In Russia, the Gregorian calendar was accepted after the October Revolution. On January 24, 1918 the People's Command Council issued a decree that Wednesday, January 31, 1918, to be followed by Thursday, February 14, 1918, thus dropping 13 days from the calendar. With that change, the October Revolution itself, after being converted, took place on 7 November. An article on the October Revolution which mentions this date difference tends to convert the full date from Julian to the Gregorian calendar. For example, in the article "The October Revolution (November)" EncyclopÃÆ'Â|dia Britannica uses the format "October 25 (November 7, New Style)" to illustrate the date of the start of the revolution.

Other countries in eastern Europe, especially the Eastern Orthodox countries, adopted the Gregorian calendar in the 1910s or early 1920s. The last country of Eastern Orthodox Europe to adopt the Gregorian calendar for civilian purposes was Greece, at that time under military rule after the September 11, 1922 Revolution, by Wednesday 15 February 1923 which was followed by Thursday 1 March 1923. The Soviet decision firmly restricted the reform to put (ie non-religions) are important, as does the Greek decision. None of these reforms affects religious holiday dates. (See below.)

Non-adoption by Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches

While civil administration in Eastern European countries adopted the Gregorian calendar in the 1910s or early 1920s, the only national Eastern Orthodox Church to follow was the autocephalous Finnish Orthodox Church. No other Orthodox church keeps western Easter. Orthodox parishes in Finland affiliated to Moscow still use the Julian calendar. A revised Julian calendar was proposed in May 1923 at the Orthodox Orthodox Congress. The churches that have introduced this calendar have done so on various dates. It uses a different leap year rule, modifying the 1785 proposal in such a way as to maximize the time before the start date deviates from Gregorian. There will be no difference between two calendars up to 2800. All churches that use this calendar keep the Passover on the same day as the churches that keep the Julian calendar.

The Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem, the Russian Orthodox Church, the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Orthodox Church and the Georgian Apostolic Church, the Polish Orthodox Church, the Macedonian Orthodox Church and the Old Greek Calendar did not receive the revised Julian calendar, and continued to celebrate Christmas on December 25 on the Julian calendar, January 7th in the Gregorian calendar until 2100.

All other Eastern churches, Oriental Orthodox churches (Alexandria Coptic Orthodox Church, Orthodox Church of Tewahedo Ethiopia, Orthodox Church of Tewahdo Eritrea, and Syrian Orthodox Church) continue to use their own calendar, which usually produces a fixed date that is celebrated according to the Julian calendar. This is most interesting in the case of the Syrian Orthodox Church, as one of his Ancestors Ignatius Nemet Allah I was one of nine scholars who composed the Gregorian calendar. The Indian Orthodox Church uses the Gregorian calendar along with their Syriac Orthodox autonomous counterpart in India, Syrian Syrian Orthodox Church.

The Armenian Apostolic Church adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1923, except in the Armenian Patriarchate in Jerusalem, where the ancient Julian calendar is still used.

We've been using the Gregorian calendar for 434 years. It's still ...
src: cdn.vox-cdn.com

Adoption in East Asia

Japan decided to officially replace its traditional lunisolar calendar with the Gregorian calendar in 1872, so the day after the second day of the twelfth month of the fifth year of the reign of the Meiji emperor, became 1 January 1873 . (The Japanese rendering of the western months is just ichi-gatsu or "one month" for January, ni-gatsu or "two months" for February, etc.) It brings the Japanese calendar is aligned with the calendars of major Western countries (except Russia). To this day, however, it is common to use Nengo, ruling names rather than the General Era system or Anno Domini, especially for official documents; for example, Meiji 1 for 1868, Taish? 1 for 1912, Sh? wa 1 for 1926, Heisei 1 or 1989, and so on. However, this system was increasingly replaced by popular usage by the "Western calendar" (??, seireki ) during the 20th century.

Korea adopted the Gregorian calendar on January 1, 1895 with the active participation of Yu Kil-chun. Although the new calendar continues to count its moons, there are several systems used to refer to its years: during the Joseon Dynasty, in 1895-97, its years numbered from the founding of the dynasty, with respect to 1392 as the first year; then between 1897 and 1910, and again from 1948 to 1962, the names of the Korean era were used for years; and between 1910 and 1945, when Korea was under Japanese rule, the name of the Japanese era was used to calculate the Gregorian calendar years used in Korea.

In South Korea, from 1945 to 1961, the Gregorian calendar was also calculated from the foundation of Gojoseon in 2333 BC (regarded as the first year), the date of the legendary Korean establishment by Dangun, then the years of Dangi (??) are 4278 to 4294. This numbering is informally used with the Korean lunar calendar before 1945 but is only occasionally used today. North Korea from 1997 officially calculated the year based on the Juche era, the first year was 1912.

The Republic of China (ROC) officially adopted the Gregorian calendar at its founding on January 1, 1912, but China soon descended into war periods with different warlords using different calendars. With the unification of China under the Kuomintang in October 1928, the Nationalist government decided that effective January 1, 1929 the Gregorian calendar would be used. China retains the Chinese tradition of numbering the moon and the modified Era System, retreating in the first year of the ROC until 1912; the system is still used in Taiwan where the ROC government maintains control. Once established in 1949, the People's Republic of China continued to use the Gregorian calendar by the number of months, but abolished the ROC Era System and adopted Western-numbered years.

Adoption Of The Gregorian Calendar Wikipedia Stunning 1961 ...
src: nasionalis.me

Countries that use lunisolar calendar

Japan, Korea, and China began using the Gregorian calendar on January 1, 1873, 1896, and 1912, respectively. They have used the lunisolar calendar before. None of them use the Julian calendar; Old Style and New Style Date in these countries usually means the older lunisolar date and the date of the newer Gregorian calendar. In these countries, old-style calendars are similar but not all the same. Arabic numerals can be used for both calendar dates in modern Japanese and Korean, but not for Chinese-style dates.


Japan began using the Gregorian calendar on January 1, 1873, locally known as "the first day of the first month of Meiji 6" ?? 6? 1? 1? , Meiji rokunen ichigatsu tsuitachi ) . The day before, December 31, 1872, was "the second day of the twelfth month of Meiji 5" ( ?? 5? 12? 2? , Meiji gonen j? nigatsu futsuka ) .

Japan currently uses two eras: the western era and the name of the traditional Japanese era that was modified (neng?). The moons and days are the Gregorian calendar, but the year is the number of the western or neng years? from the emperor on the throne. Since 1873, an era and the first year of that era have begun on a day when the emperor ascended the throne. The second year of the era begins on January 1st even if the first year there are only a few days. All subsequent years of that era began on January 1 until the emperor died. For example, the first year of the Showa Era, Emperor Hirohito, contains only the last six days of 1926, while Showa 64, the final year, contains only the first seven days of 1989. The current Gregorian 2018 year corresponds to Heisei 30.


Korea began using the Gregorian calendar on January 1, 1896, which is the 17th day of the lunar month of the 11th not only in Korea but also in China, which still uses the lunisolar calendar. The lunisolar Korean calendar is now used for very limited unofficial purposes. The North Korean calendar uses the Gregorian calendar and day, but with the birth of Kim Il-Sung (1912) used as the 1st year.


The Government of the Republic of China under the Presidency While Sun Yat-sen abolished the Chinese lunisolar calendar and adopted the Gregorian calendar on January 1, 1912. However, the public rejected the change and continued to observe traditional holidays. President Yuan Shikai switched to a double-calendar policy, where the Gregorian calendar would be used for most purposes except for traditional holidays, which should be set according to the Chinese calendar, including the short-lived Chinese Empire. When the communists took over China in the late 1940s, they defended this two-calendar system for the People's Republic of China. Today Chinese (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore all celebrate traditional holidays based on traditional calendars, such as Lunar New Year, while other holidays, especially national anniversaries, according to the Gregorian calendar.

To visually distinguish visually and new style dates, write new style dates with Arabic numerals but old style dates with Chinese characters are standard in Chinese publications.

In Taiwan it is common to see Arabic numerals in the new style date, although Chinese characters sometimes appear in this. Chinese characters are usually used for long-dated dates, but Arabic numbers may still be visible. The calendar year in Taiwan was used officially determined in accordance with the traditional customs of the era name, but used the establishment of the Chinese government in 1912 as the start of the emperor's reign.

The calendar adopted in mainland China and Taiwan is called General Calendar (Simplified Chinese: traditional Chinese: ?? ; pinyin: G? nglÃÆ'¬ ), or" New Calendar "(simplified Mandarin: < span lang = "zh-hans"> ?? ; traditional Chinese: < X? NlÃÆ'¬ ).

Months in the Gregorian calendar in Chinese are rarely named, but are usually numbered. For example, the December Gregorian calendar in China is usually written as the 12th month. On the other hand, in the Chinese calendar, the 11th and 12th moons are usually dubbed.

Orally, people are accustomed to calling the date in the month as "No. ", for example, this year's Spring Festival (2017) is No. 28 from Month 1 (Simplified Chinese: 1? 28? ; traditional Chinese: 1? 28? the other hand, people never call the date on the Chinese calendar as "No. dd". , which avoids the possibility of ambiguity.

When referencing the date before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in 1582, the official Chinese calendar may inherit a problem with the previous calendar to be historically correct or to follow a proleptic Gregorian calendar if so determined.

Japan ALSO had a LUNISOLAR calendar BEFORE they emulated the ...
src: i.ytimg.com

Islamic Calendar

The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, so there are twelve month months of the year 354 or 355 days, being 11 days shorter than the sun year. As a result, holy days in Islam migrate around the year of the sun on the 32-year cycle. Some countries in the Islamic world use the Gregorian calendar (as the Calendar of the General Era) for civilian purposes, while maintaining the Islamic calendar for religious purposes.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia adopted the Gregorian calendar as its civil calendar by the end of 2016.

We've been using the Gregorian calendar for 434 years. It's still ...
src: cdn.vox-cdn.com

Current situation

Currently, most countries use the Gregorian calendar as their sole civil calendar. Countries that have not adopted the Gregorian calendar are Ethiopia (Ethiopian calendar), Iran and Afghanistan (Persian calendar).

Some countries use other calendars with the Gregorian calendar, including India (the Indian national calendar), Bangladesh (Bengali calendar), Nepal (Vikram Samvat), Pakistan (Islamic calendar), Israel (Hebrew calendar) and Myanmar (Burmese calendar), and other countries using modified versions of the Gregorian calendar, including Thailand (Thai solar calendar), Japan (Japanese calendar), North Korea (North Korean calendar) and Taiwan (Minguo calendar).

While many religious organizations regard their liturgical year by the Gregorian civil calendar, others have maintained their own calendars. Alternative calendars are used in many areas of the world today to mark the cycle of religious and astrological events.

The Geopolitics of the Gregorian Calendar
src: www.stratfor.com

Possible date conflict

The use of different calendars has the potential to cause confusion among contemporaries. For example, it is related that one of the contributing factors of Napoleon's victory at the Battle of Austerlitz was the confusion between Russia, who used the Julian calendar, and Austria, who used the Gregorian calendar, during the dates that they had troops to join. This story, however, is not supported in the contemporary report of the Imperial and Royal Army major Austrian generals, who tell of progress with Russian and Austrian forces (where he himself took part) five days before the battle, and explicitly rejected in the long study of Goetz 2005 about the battle.

Japan ALSO had a LUNISOLAR calendar BEFORE they emulated the ...
src: i.ytimg.com


The date when each country adopts the Gregorian calendar, or equivalent, is indicated by a horizontal time line. The vertical axis is used for expansion to show separate national names to make it easier to map, but otherwise have no meaning.

Things You Probably Didn't Know About the Gregorian Calendar
src: media.buzzle.com


RED LETTER DAY IN WORLD HISTORY. The Gregorian Calendar First Used ...
src: nhlife.files.wordpress.com


gregorian calendar - Ideal.vistalist.co
src: calendarzone.in

The work cited

  • Barsoum, I. A., & amp; Moosa, M. (2003). Pearls scattered: literary history and Syriac science/by Ignatius Aphram I BarsoumÃ,; translated and edited by Matti Moosa; with a preface by Cyril Aphrem Karim. Gorgias Press.
  • Fruin, R. (1934), Handboek der Chronologie, voornamelijk van Nederland . Alphen a/d Rijn: N. Samson.
  • Lee, Peter H. (Ed.) (1996). Sourcebook of Korean Civilization: Vol.2: From the seventeenth century to the modern period . Columbia University Press. ISBN: 0-231-07914-1.
  • Lee, P.H. & amp; de Bary, W. T. (Eds., with Yongho Ch'oe & Kang, H. H. W.) (2000). Korean Tradition Source, (Vol 2). New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Sumner, Charles. (1875). Submission of American Russia to the United States in The Works of Charles Sumner, vol. 11. Boston: Lea and Shepard.

Edward Frenkel on Twitter:
src: pbs.twimg.com

External links

    Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar date of adoption for many countries.
  • What is the Gregorian calendar? with adoption dates for many countries and territories

Source of the article : Wikipedia
