Foster care is a system in which minors are placed in wards, group homes (residential parenting communities, care centers,...), or private homes of certified state care givers, referred to as " foster parents "or with family members approved by the state. Child placements are usually arranged through government or social service agencies. Institutions, group homes or foster parents are compensated for expenses except with family members.
The State, through family courts and child protection services, stands in the loco parentis with minors, making all legal decisions while foster parents are responsible for the daily care of minors.
A little more than a quarter of all foster children are placed in the care of relatives. Most kinship care is done informally, without court involvement or public organization. However, in the US, formal kinship care is increasingly common. In 2012, a quarter of all children in formal care are placed with relatives instead of being placed into the system.
Video Foster care
By country
In Australia, foster children are known as "boarding-out". Foster care had an early stage in South Australia in 1866 and stretched into the second half of the 19th century. It is said that this system was mostly run by women until the early 20th century. Then control is centered in many state departments. "Although boarding-out is also carried out by non-governmental rescue organizations, many of the major institutions are left.These institutions have an increasing interest from the late 1920s when the system declined." This system was energized back in the postwar era, and in the 1970s. This system is still the main structure for "outdoors care". This system takes care of local and foreign children. "The first adoption law was passed in Western Australia in 1896, but the remaining states did not act until the 1920s, introducing the beginning of a closed adoption that peaked in the period 1940 to 1975. Adoption of new infants dropped dramatically from mid-1970 , with greater tolerance and support for single mothers ".
Foster children in Cambodia is relatively new as an official practice in government. However, despite the start of a new start, this practice is currently making big strides in the country. Left with a large number of official or informal orphanages from the 1990s, the Cambodian government undertook several research projects in 2006 and 2008, pointing to the excessive use of orphanages as a solution for treating vulnerable children domestically. Most notably, the study found that the percentage of children in orphanages with parents was close to 80%. At the same time, local NGOs such as Children In Families are beginning to offer limited domestic care services. In subsequent years, the Cambodian government began implementing policies requiring the closure of some orphanages and the adoption of minimum standards for residential care institutions. These actions lead to an increase in the number of NGOs that provide parenting placements and help arrange courses for care reform across the country. In 2015, the Cambodian government is working with UNICEF, USAID, several governments, and many local NGOs in continuing to build capacity for child protection and care within the Kingdom.
Canadian foster children are known as the permanent ward , ( the crown wing in Ontario). The ward is a person, in this case a child, placed under the protection of a legal guardian and is the responsibility of the law of the government. The 2011 census data counts children in foster care for the first time, counting 47,885 children in care. The majority of foster children - 29,590, or about 62 percent - are 14 and under. The wards remain under government care until they are "immature." All ties are severed from the government and there is no longer any legal responsibility for youth. This age differs depending on the province.
Foster children have a long history in India, first started in 1960 by the central government. The first non-institutional scheme was introduced in Maharashtra in 1972. The scheme was subsequently revised in 2005 as 'Bal Sangopal Scheme - Non Institutional Services'. In the late 1990s Karnataka adopted a fostering scheme focused on poor children. The emergency scheme operates even in Gujarat, following the 2001 earthquake where about 350 children were rehabilitated with their relatives and neighbors in the community. However, while the current JJ ​​Act provides parenting services, it is not effectively implemented. Very few state governments have developed fostering programs. Foster care is mostly still used as a pre-adoption procedure, which limits the potential of this method to provide family care to children. In 2016 the Ministry of Women and Child Development issues a Model Guidance on Foster Care. The Center for Excellence in Alternative Child Care, established in December 2015, has begun parenting work by creating awareness of care, by training all institutions at all levels who are taking care of and assisting NGOs and other institutions in implementing care. In a very short time they have trained more than 600 people in this country.
In December 2013, the Israeli Knesset approved a bill drafted by the National Council of Israel for Children to regulate the rights and obligations of participants in the foster care system in Israel.
In Japan, fostering began around 1948, leading to the passing of the Child Welfare Act. Foster ideas or taking abandoned children actually appeared around the years 1392-1490 in Japan. Foster care in Japan is similar to Orphan Trains because Brace thinks children will be better off at the farm. People in Japan thought the kids would be better off in agriculture than staying in "dusty cities." Families often send their children to farm families outside the village and just look after their eldest son. Farming families function as foster parents and they are financially rewarded for receiving younger brothers. "It is considered an honor to be elected as a foster parent, and selection is heavily dependent on the reputation and status of the family in the village". Around 1895 the upbringing program became more like a system used in the United States because Tokyo Metropolitan Police sent children to hospitals where they would "settle down". Problems arise in this system, such as child abuse, so the government starts gradually and "begins to improve institutional facilities". In 1948, the Child Welfare Law was passed, increasing official oversight, and creating better conditions for children to grow up.
United Kingdom
In Britain, upbringing and adoption always be an option, "in the sense of bringing other people's children to their homes and caring for them permanently or temporarily." Although, no one has a legal basis, until the 20th century. Britain has "trouble," the family that took the child has been detained by the Chancery Court. Difficulty is not often used because it does not provide "parental rights" guardian. In the 19th century came "a series of baby farm scandals." At the end of the 19th century they began to call it "boarding-out" as they do in Australia. They started putting children in orphanages and nursing homes as well. "The First World War saw increased adoption through organized adoption societies and child savior organizations, and growing pressure to adopt for granted legal status." The first law on adoption and care was passed in 1926. "The number of peak adoptions was in 1968, since when there was a large decline in adoption in the UK The main reason for children adopted in the UK has been unmarried mothers handing over their children. their adopted children and stepparents adopted the children of their new partner. "
United States
In the United States, foster care began as a result of Charles Loring Brace's efforts. "In the mid-19th century, about 30,000 homeless or abandoned children lived on the streets of New York City and the slums." Brace took these kids off the streets and placed them with families in most states of the country. Brace believes children will do their best with Christian peasant families. He does this to save them from "life-long suffering." He sends these children to families by train, which gives the name of the Orphan Train Movement. "[It] lasted from 1853 until the early 1890s [1929?] And transports over 120,000 [250,000] children into new life." When Brace died in 1890, his sons took over from the Children Help Agency until they retired. The Children's Aid Society created the "parenting approach that became the basis for the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997" called Collaborative Planning. This greatly affects the foster system. Help Children work with biological and foster parents to "achieve immortality". "From the mid-1800s to the Great Depression Night, orphan train children were placed with families who chose them with an order form, specifying age, sex, hair color and eye.In other cases, the children's train loads were collected on stage , rail platform or town hall and checked by prospective parents. "Narrowing the image of choosing the best apple from the trash. Sometimes a child will be separated from his brother and sister, or will end up in a family that only wants them to work. Most of the time children are chosen by loving or childless families ".
Maps Foster care
Family-based care is generally preferred over other forms of out-of-home care. Foster care is intended as a short-term solution until permanent placement is possible. Generally, first choice adoptive parents are relatives like aunts, uncles or grandparents, known as kinship care. If no related family member is willing or able to adopt, the next preference is for a child to be adopted by a foster parent or by another person involved in a child's life (such as a teacher or coach). This is to keep children alive. If the above option is not available, the child may be adopted by someone who is a stranger to the child.
If none of these options are feasible, plans for minors include entering OPPLA (Other Permanent Planned Living Settings). This option enables the child to remain in state custody and the child may remain in an orphanage, with relative or long-term care facilities, such as a residential parenting community or, for children with developmental disabilities, physical or mental disabilities, care.
671,000 children are served by the foster care system in the United States by 2015. "After declining by more than 20 percent between FY 2006 and FY 2012 to a low of 397,000, the number of children in foster care on the last day of the fiscal year increased to 428,000 in FY 2015, with percentage changes which is slightly higher from 2014 to 2015 (3.3%) than was observed from 2013 to 2014 (3.2%). "By 2015, there are about 112,000 children ready for adoptive families in the state foster system.
The average amount of time a child spends in an orphanage in the US by 2015 is 13.5 months. In that year, 74% of children spent less than two years in an orphanage, while 13% were hospitalized for three years or more. Of the 427,910 children raised on 30 September 2015: 43 percent are white, 24 percent are African-American, 21 percent Hispanic (any race), 10 percent are other races or multiracials, and 2 percent are unknown or not can be determined.
Children can enter the orphanage voluntarily or unconsciously. Voluntary placement can occur when a natural parent or legal guardian can not care for a child. Unintentional placements occur when a child is excluded from their biological parent or legal guardian due to the actual risk or incident of a physical or psychological disorder. In the US, most children go to care because of negligence. If the biological parent or legal guardian does not want to raise a child, the child is considered dependent and placed under the care of the child protection agency. Policies on parenting and the criteria to be met for adopting parents vary according to the jurisdiction of the law.
Particularly the tremendous failure of child protection services often serves as a catalyst to increase adoption of children from homes of biological parents. An example is the brutal torture and the murder of 17-month-old Peter Connelly, a British toddler who died at London Borough of Haringey, north London after suffering more than 50 serious injuries over a period of eight months, including eight broken ribs and a broken back. Throughout the period of time he was tortured, he was repeatedly seen by Haringey Children's services and NHS health professionals. Haringey The children's service had failed ten years earlier in the case of Victoria ClimbiÃÆ'Â ©. In the time since his death, in 2007, the case has reached record levels in the UK exceeding 10,000 in the reporting year ending in March 2012.
Harassment and negligence
From 1993 to 2002 there were 107 deaths recorded; there are about 400,000 children outside care homes, in the United States. Nearly 10% of children in orphanages have been living in orphanages for five years or more. Almost half of all children in foster have chronic medical problems. 8% of all children in care have serious emotional problems, 11% of out-of-parenting children are out of the system, in 2011. Children in orphanages experience high levels of child abuse, emotional deprivation, and neglect physical. In one British study, "foster children were 7-8 times, and children in care homes were 6 times more likely to be assessed by pediatricians because of abuse than children in the general population". A study of foster children in Oregon and Washington State found that nearly a third were reportedly misused by foster parents or other adults in orphanages.
Medical and psychiatric disorders
The higher prevalence of physical, psychological, cognitive and epigenetic disorders for children in care has been established in studies in different countries. The Casey Northwest Family Program The Foster Care Alumni Study is a considerable study of the various aspects of children who have been in care. It noted that 80% of former foster children do "badly".
Individuals in foster care experience higher levels of physical and psychiatric morbidity than the general population and suffer from being unable to trust and which may lead to a decrease in placement. In Casey's study of foster children in Oregon and the state of Washington, they were found to have twice the incidence of depression, 20% compared with 10% and found to have higher rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than war veterans with 25% of them who learned to have PTSD. Children in care have a higher likelihood of having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and deficits in executive functioning, anxiety and other developmental problems. These children experienced higher levels of detention, poverty, homelessness, and suicide. Studies in the US have shown that some placement parenting may be more detrimental to children than is left in troubled homes, but more recent research suggests that these findings may have been influenced by selection bias, and that care has little effect on behavior. problem.
Nerve development
Foster children have elevated levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, compared to children raised by their biological parents. Increased levels of cortisol can harm the immune system. (Harden BJ, 2004). Most of the processes involved in healthy neurological development are based on establishing a close parenting relationship and environmental stimulation. The influence of negative environments during this critical period of brain development can have lifelong consequences.
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Children in care have a higher incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In one study, 60% of children in orphanages who had experienced sexual abuse had PTSD, and 42% of those who had been physically abused met the PTSD criteria. PTSD is also found in 18% of children who are not abused. These children may have developed PTSD for witnessing violence at home. (Marsenich, 2002).
In a study conducted in Oregon and the state of Washington, rates of PTSD in adults who were in foster care for one year between the ages of 14-18 were found to be higher than for war veterans, with 25 percent of those in the study meeting diagnostic criteria compared with 12- 13 percent of Iraq war veterans and 15 percent Vietnam war veterans, and 4% rate in the general population. The recovery rate for home lift alumni was 28.2% compared with 47% in the general population.
"More than half of the study participants reported a clinical level of mental illness, compared with less than a quarter of the general population".
Feeding disorders
Foster children have an increased risk for various eating disorders compared with the general population. In a study conducted in the UK, 35% of foster children experienced an increase in body mass index (BMI) once in care. Food Maintenance Syndrome is characterized by a set of eating behaviors that deviate from children in foster care. This is "excessive diet and food acquisition and maintenance behavior without concomitant obesity"; it resembles the "correlation of Hyperphagic Short Stature behavior". It is hypothesized that this syndrome is triggered by stress and targeted maltreatment children, it is prevalent among 25 percent of study groups in New Zealand. Bulimia nervosa is seven times more common among former foster children than in the general population.
Poverty and homelessness
Nearly half of US foster children become homeless when they are 18 years old. "One out of every 10 foster children remains in care for longer than seven years, and every year about 15,000 reach the majority age and leave foster care without permanent families-many to join the ranks of the homeless or commit crime and imprisonment.
Three of the 10 homeless Americans are former foster children. According to Casey's Family Studies study of Foster Care Alumni, 80 percent perform poorly - with a quarter to one-third of former foster children in or below the poverty line, three times the national poverty rate. Very often, homeless people have many placements as children: some are cared for, but others experience "unofficial" placements at family or friends' homes.
Individuals with a fostering history tend to be homeless at an earlier age than those who are not fostered. The length of time a person becomes homeless is longer in the individual residing in the orphanage.
Suicidal rate
Children who are cared for have a greater risk of suicide. Increased risk of suicide is still prevalent after leaving foster care. In a small study of twenty-two young Texans aged outside the system, 23 percent had a history of attempted suicide.
A Swedish study using data from nearly a million people including 22,305 former foster children who had been treated before their teens concluded:
Former childcare clients are in the year of birth and the standard sex risk ratio (RRS) is four to five times more likely than colleagues in the general population to be hospitalized for suicide attempts.... Individuals who have been in long-term care tend to have the most grim results... former welfare clients/child protection should be considered a high-risk group for suicide attempts and severe psychiatric morbidity.
Mortality rate
Children in care have a higher overall mortality rate than children in the general population. A study conducted in Finland among current and former foster children up to age 24 found higher mortality rates due to substance abuse, accidents, suicide and illness. Deaths due to illness are associated with an increased incidence of acute and chronic medical conditions and developmental delays among children in foster care.
Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer published the report "Business Corruption Services Child Protection" which states:
"The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect in 1998 reported that six times as many children die in care than in the general population and once removed for official" safety ", these children are far more likely to experience abuse, including sexual harassment than in general population ".
Academic prospects
The educational outcomes of former foster children in Northwest Alumni Studies:
- 56% complete high school compared to 82% of the general population, although an additional 29% of the previous foster children received G.E.D. compared with an additional 5% of the general population.
- 42,7% complete some education outside of high school.
- 20.6% complete any degree or certificate outside high school
- 16.1% complete vocational degree; 21.9% for those over 25 years of age.
- 1.8% complete bachelor degree, 2.7% to over 25, the completion rate for the general population in the same age group is 24%, a considerable difference.
This study reviews case notes for 659 foster alumni in Northwest USA, and interviewed 479 of them between September 2000 and January 2002.
Use of psychotropic drugs
Research has revealed that youths in insured care by Medicaid insurance receive psychotropic drugs at a rate that is 3 times higher than adolescents who are uninsured Medicaid eligible with low family income. In a review (September 2003 to August 2004) of Texas medical records of 32,135 Texans aged 0-19 years, 12,189 prescribed psychotropic drugs, which resulted in an annual prevalence of 37.9% of these prescribed children. 41.3% received 3 different classes of these drugs during July 2004, and 15.9% received 4 different classes. The most frequently used drugs were antidepressants (56.8%), attention/hyperactivity medication (55.9%), and antipsychotic agents (53.2%). The study also shows that teenagers in care are often treated with concurrent psychotropic drugs, which is sufficient evidence of safety and effectiveness unavailable.
The use of expensive, brand name, patent protected drugs is prevalent. In the case of SSRIs the most expensive drug use was 74%; in the general market only 28% for brand name vs generic SSRI. Average pocket expenditure per prescription is $ 34.75 for generic and $ 90.17 for branded products, $ 55.42, difference.
Therapeutic Interventions
Children in the child welfare system often experience significant and repetitive trauma and have backgrounds in orphanages - especially in cases of sexual abuse - can be a precipitating factor in a variety of psychological and cognitive deficits that can also serve to obscure the true cause of the problem the underlying. Fostering may not have anything to do with the symptoms, or on the other hand, the disorder can be exacerbated by having a history of foster care and officer offense. The human brain, however, has been shown to have a fair degree of neuroplasticity. and adult neurogenesis has been shown to be an ongoing process.
Cross-cultural adoption policy
George Shanti, Nico Van Oudenhoven and Ekha Wazir, co-author of Foster Care Beyond the Crossroads: Lessons from International Comparative Analysis , said that there are four types of government foster systems. The first is a developing country. These countries do not have the policies applied to take care of the basic needs of these children and these children mostly receive relief from relatives. The second system is the former socialist government system. The historical context of these countries does not allow the evolution of their foster care system. NGOs have urged them to evolve; But the traditional system of instituting these children still exists. Third, liberal democracy does not have the support of its political system to care for these children, even if they have resources. Finally, social democracy is the most advanced government in terms of their foster care system. These governments have great infrastructure, funds, and support systems to help foster children.
Adoption adoption is a type of domestic adoption in which the child is initially placed into the foster system and then placed for adoption. Children can be placed into foster care for various reasons; including, dismissal from home by government agencies due to the persecution. In some jurisdictions, adoptive parents are licensed and technically considered to be adoptive parents when adoption is being completed. According to the Children's Bureau of the Department of Health and Human Services of the United States, there are approximately 408,425 children who were raised in 2010. Of the children, twenty-five percent had a goal to adopt. By 2015, 243,060 children leave the orphanage and twenty-two percent are adopted. At the national level, there are more than a hundred thousand children in the US care system waiting for permanent families.
See also
- Kinship care
- Residential education
- Installation theory
- Complex post-traumatic stress disorder
- Reactive attachment annoyance
- Legal guard
- Orphanage
- Living Childcare Community
- Family teaching model
- Care of the Congregation
- Pondok House
- Substance dependency
- Life supported
- Supported housing
- Family support
- Group home page
- Foster Care in the United States
- Housekeeping center
- Housing Care
- Independent life
- Community integration
- Helped live
- Community-based maintenance
- Child and family services
- Child and adolescent care
- Child abuse
- Children abandon
- Cover (childcare)
Further reading
External links
- Children's Soul Health in Outside Care: the Scale and Complexity of Mental Health Problems
- The Improved Effect of Foster Care on Long-term Physical and Mental Health from Foster Care Alumni
- Impact on development [3]
- The effect of early psychosocial deprivation on the development of memory and executive function [4]
- Experiencing the neurobehavioral effects of mediated early life trauma through corticosterone learning and suppression [5]
- Ã, Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Boarding-Out System". EncyclopÃÆ'Â|dia Britannica (issue 11). Cambridge University Press.
Source of the article : Wikipedia