The word "nurse" originally came from the Latin word "nutrire", meaning suckling, referring to a wet nurse; It was not until the end of the sixteenth century that he achieved the modern meaning of someone who cared for the weak.
Since ancient times most cultures have produced a stream of nurses dedicated to serving religious principles. Both the Christian Order and the Muslim World produce a dedicated stream of nurses from their early days. In Europe before the basis of modern nursing, Catholic and military nuns often provide services such as breastfeeding. It took until the 20th century for nursing to become a secular profession.
Video History of nursing
Ancient history
Early history of nurses suffers from lack of source material, but nursing has generally been an extension of the female wet nurse function.
Indian Buddhist ruler (268 BC to 232 BC) Ashoka established a series of pillars, including a decree ordering hospitals to be built along the route of travelers, and that they were "equipped with equipment and medicines, consisting of mineral and vegetable drugs., with roots and fruits "; "Whenever there is no medical supplies, medical roots, and herbs, they should be given, and skilled doctors are appointed at the expense of the state to manage them." The system of public hospitals continued until the fall of Buddhism in India ca. 750 C.E.
About 100 B.C.E. Charaka Samhita ââi> is written in India, stating that good medical practice requires a patient, doctor, nurse, and medication, with the nurse needed to have knowledge, skilled in preparing the formulation and dose, sympathetic to everyone, and clean.
The first known Christian nurse, Febe, is mentioned in Romans 16: 1. During the early years of the Christian Church (ca. 50 C. E.), St. Paul sent a deaconess named Phoebe to Rome as the first guest nurse.
From the early days, following Jesus' command, Christians encouraged his followers to care for the sick. Priests are often doctors. According to historian Geoffrey Blainey, while pagan religions rarely offer help to the weak, early Christians are willing to care for the sick and take food for them, especially during the 165-180 smallpox epidemic and the measles epidemic around the year 250; "In caring for the sick and dying, regardless of religion, Christians win friends and sympathizers".
Following the First Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, leading to an extension of the provision of care. Among the earliest were the built ca. 370 by St. Basil the Great, bishop of Caesarea Mazaca in Cappadocia in Asia Minor (modern Turkey), by Saint Fabiola in Rome ca. 390, and by the physician-priest Saint Sampson (died 530) in Constantinople, Called Basiliad, St. Basil resembles a city, and includes housing for doctors and nurses and separate buildings for different classes of patients. There is a separate section for lepers. Finally the construction of hospitals in every cathedral city begins.
The Christian emphasis on practical charities led to the development of systematic nursing and hospitals after the end of the early church persecution. Ancient church leaders such as St. Benedict of Nursia (480-547) emphasizes medicine as an aid to the provision of hospitality. 12th-century Roman Catholic orders such as Dominicans and Carmelites have long lived in religious communities that work to care for the sick.
Some hospitals take care of libraries and training programs, and doctors organize their medical and pharmacological studies in manuscripts. So inpatient medical care in the sense of what we are today considering the hospital, is an invention driven by Christian grace and Byzantine innovation. The staff of Byzantine hospitals include Chief Doctor (archiatroi), professional nurse (hypourgoi) and mantri (hyperetai). In the twelfth century Constantinople had two well-organized hospitals run by doctors of both men and women. Facilities include systematic treatment procedures and special wards for various diseases.
At the beginning of the 7th century, Rufaidah bint Sa'ad (also known as Rufaida Al-Aslamia) became what is now described as the first Muslim nurse. A contemporary of Muhammad, he came from the tribe of Bani Aslam in Medina and learned his medical skills from his father, a traditional healer. After he led a group of women to care for the wounded fighters on the battlefield, Muhammad gave permission to set up a tent near the Medina mosque to provide care and care for the sick and needy.
Maps History of nursing
Medieval Europe
Medieval hospitals in Europe followed a similar pattern to the Byzantines. They are a religious community, with the attention given by monks and nuns. (The old French term for the hospital is hÃÆ'Ã'tel-Dieu , "hostels of God.") Some attach to monasteries; others are independent and have their own wakaf, usually belonging, that provide income for their support. Some hospitals are multi-functional while others are set up for special purposes such as leprosy hospitals, or as a refuge for the poor, or for pilgrims: not all care for the sick. The first Spanish hospital, founded by the Masona Visigoth Catholic in 580AD in Mà © à © rida, is an xenodochium designed as a lodging for tourists (mostly pilgrims to the temple of Eulalia of MÃÆ'à © rida) as well as home sick for locals and local farmers. Hospital donations consist of agriculture to feed patients and guests. From the report provided by Paul the Deacon, we learned that the hospital is supplied with doctors and nurses, whose mission includes care for the sick wherever they are found, "slave or free, Christian or Jew."
During the late 700s and early 800s, Emperor Charlemagne decided that the well-done and destroyed hospitals had to be restored in accordance with the needs of the times. He further ordered that hospitals should be attached to their respective cathedrals and monasteries.
During the tenth century monasteries became the dominant factor in hospital work. The famous Cluny Benedictine monastery, founded in 910, is a model widely replicated throughout France and Germany. In addition to hospitals for the religious, each monastery has a hospital where care is taken care of. They are responsible for eleemosynarius , whose job, carefully defined by the rules, includes any type of service that may be required by visitors or patients.
Because eleemosynarius is obliged to seek out the sick and needy in that environment, each monastery becomes the center to relieve suffering. Among the famous monasteries in this regard are the Benedictine monasteries at Corbie in Picardy, Hirschau, Braunweiler, Deutz, Ilsenburg, Liesborn, Pram, and Fulda; people from the Cistercians at Arnsberg, Baumgarten, Eberbach, Himmenrode, Herrnalb, Volkenrode, and Walkenried.
No less efficient is the work undertaken by the diocesan clergy according to the disciplinary rules of the Aachen council (817, 836), which stipulates that the hospital must be maintained in respect of any college church. The canons are required to contribute to the support of the hospital, and one of them has responsibility for the prisoners. Since these hospitals are located in the cities, more demands are made than those attached to monasteries. In this movement the bishop naturally lead, the hospital founded by Heribert (died 1021) in Cologne, Godard (died 1038) in Hildesheim, Conrad (died 975) in Constance, and Ulrich (died 973) in Augsburg. But similar provisions are made by other churches; so in Trier, St. Maximin, St. Matthew, St. Simeon, and St. James takes their name from the churches they attach. During the period 1207-1577 no fewer than 155 hospitals were established in Germany.
Ospedale Maggiore, traditionally named Ca 'Granda (ie the Great House), in Milan, northern Italy, was built to become the home of one of the first community hospitals, the largest largest business of the fifteenth century. Commissioned by Francesco Sforza in 1456 and designed by Antonio Filarete, this is one of the first examples of Renaissance architecture in Lombardy.
The Normans brought their hospital system when they conquered England in 1066. By joining traditional mastery and customs, the new charity houses became popular and distinct from both the English convent and the French hospital. They distribute alms and medicine, and are generously endowed by the nobles and nobles who rely on them for spiritual rewards after death.
According to Geoffrey Blainey, the Catholic Church in Europe provides many services from a welfare state: "This hospital provides hospitals for parents and orphanages for young people, hospitals for the sick of all ages, places for lepers, and hostels or lodging where pilgrims can buy cheap beds and eat ". It supplies food for the population during the famine and distributes food to the poor. This welfare system is funded by the church through large-scale tax collection and has large farms and plantations.
Role for women â ⬠<â â¬
Catholic women play a big role in health and healing in modern European medieval and early. Life as a nun is a prestigious role; rich families provide dowries for their daughters, and this finances the convent, while the nuns provide free care for the poor.
Meanwhile, in Catholic lands such as France, rich families continue to finance monasteries and monasteries, and register their daughters as nuns who provide free health care to the poor. Nursing is a religious role for nurses, and there is little call for science.
Middle East
The Eastern Orthodox Church has established many hospitals in the Middle East, but after the Islamic revival of the 7th century, Arabic medicine developed in this region, where a number of important advances were made and Islamic nursing traditions began. Arab ideas then influential in Europe. The famous Hospitaller knight emerged as a group of individuals associated with the Amalfitan hospital in Jerusalem, built to provide care for the poor, sick or injured Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land. Following the capture of the city by the Crusaders, the order became a military order as well as an infirmarian.
Roman Catholic orders like the Franciscans emphasize caring for the sick, especially during devastating calamities.
early modern Europe
Catholic Europe
Catholic elites provide hospital services because of their theology of salvation that good deeds are a route to heaven. The same theology applies strongly in the 21st century. In Catholic areas, the nursing nurse tradition continues uninterrupted. Several orders of nuns provide nursing services in hospitals. The leadership role was taken by Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, founded in France in 1633. The new order of Catholic nuns extended the reach of activities and reached new areas. For example, in rural France in Brittany, the princess of the Holy Spirit, created in 1706, plays a central role. New opportunities for the nuns as charitable practitioners were created by devout nobles in their own plantations. The nuns provide comprehensive care for the sick poor on their customers' estates, acting not only as nurses, but also taking on an expanded role as doctors, surgeons, and pharmacies. French Catholics in New France (Canada) and New Orleans continue these traditions. During the French Revolution, most of the nurses' orders were closed and there was no organized treatment to replace them. But the demand for their nursing services remained strong, and after 1800 the sisters reappeared and continued their work in hospitals and in the countryside. They are tolerated by officials because they have wide support and are a link between elite physicians and disgruntled farmers who need help.
Protestantism closes the hospital
The Protestant reformers, led by Martin Luther, reject the idea that the rich can obtain God's grace through good works - and thus escape from purgatory - by giving cash to charitable institutions. They also reject the Catholic idea that poor patients get grace and salvation through their suffering. Protestants generally shut down all convents and most hospitals, sending women home to become housewives, often contrary to their wishes. On the other hand, local officials acknowledge the public value of hospitals, and some continue in Protestant lands, but without monks or nuns and in local government control.
In London, the crown allowed two hospitals to continue their charitable work, under the non-religious control of city officials. All the monasteries were closed, but Harkness found that women - some of whom were former nuns - were part of a new system that provided essential medical services to people outside their families. They are employed by parishes and hospitals, as well as by private families, and provide care, as well as some medical, pharmaceutical, and surgical services.
In the 16th century, Protestant reformers closed monasteries and monasteries, although they allowed some to continue operating. The nuns who had served as nurses were either retired or told to get married and stay home. Between 1600 and 1800, Protestant Europe has several real hospitals, but no regular nursing system. The weak public role of women enables women practitioners to be limited to helping their neighbors and families in unpaid and unrecognized capacity.
Modern treatments began in the 19th century in Germany and England, and spread throughout the world in 1900.
Febe, the nurse mentioned in the New Testament, is a deaconess. The role was actually dead for centuries before, but was revived in Germany in 1836 when Theodor Fliedner and his wife Friederike MÃÆ'ünster opened the first diakones parent house in Kaiserswerth on the Rhine. The diaconate was soon brought to England and Scandinavia, Kaiserswerth's model. Women compulsory for themselves for 5 years serving, receiving rooms, boards, uniforms, pocket money, and lifelong care. The uniform is a married woman's usual attire. There are variations, such as an emphasis on women's preparation for marriage through nursing training, childcare, social work and domestic work. In the Anglican Church, the diaconate is a servant to the priest, and there is no motherhouse. In 1890 there were more than 5,000 deacons in Protestant Europe, mainly Scandinavian and British Germany. In World War II, the diaconate in the war zone was severely damaged. When eastern Europe fell into communism, most of the diaconate was turned off, and 7,000 deaconesses became refugees in West Germany. In 1957, in Germany there were 46,000 diakones and 10,000 colleagues. Other countries reported a total of 14,000 deaconesses, most of them Lutherans. In the United States and Canada 1550 women are counted, half of them in the Methodist Church.
William Passavant in 1849 brought the first four deacons to Pittsburgh, after visiting Kaiserswerth. They work at the Pittsburgh Infirmary (now Passavant Hospital). Between 1880 and 1915, 62 training schools opened in the United States. Lack of training has weakened the Passavant program. But recruitment became increasingly difficult after 1910 as women preferred nursing school graduates or social work curricula offered by state universities.
English Nightingale
The War of the Crimes is a significant development in nursing history when English nurse Florence Nightingale laid the foundations of professional nursing with the principles summarized in the Nursing Notes . A fund was set up in 1855 by members of the community to raise money for Florence Nightingale and her nursing job. In 1856, Ã, £ 44,039 (equivalent to about over Ã, à £ 2 million today) was collected and with Nightingale decided to use money to lay the foundation for a training school at St. Thomas' Hospital. In 1860, training for the first group of nurses began; after graduating from school, this nurse used to be called 'Nightingales'.
Nightingale's disclosure of poor care provided the soldiers in Crimean energy reformers. Queen Victoria in 1860 ordered the hospital to be built to train army nurses and surgeons, the Royal Victoria Hospital. The hospital opened in 1863 on Netley and confessed and cared for military patients. Beginning in 1866, the nurse was officially appointed to the General Hospital of the Military. The Army Nursing Service (ANS) oversaw the work of the nurses beginning in 1881. These military nurses were sent abroad starting with the First Boer War (often called Zulu War) from 1879 to 1881. They were also sent to serve during the Egyptian Campaign in the year 1882 and the Sudan War of 1883 to 1884. During the members of the Army Navy War of the Army were treated on hospital ships on the Nile and Fortress in Cairo. Nearly 2,000 nurses served during the second Boer War, Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902, with nurses who were part of the colonial armies of Australia, Canada and New Zealand. They are on duty in the tent field hospital. 23 Soldiers of the English nurses lost their lives from disease outbreaks.
New Zealand
New Zealand was the first country to organize nurses nationally, with the adoption of the Nurses Registration Act on 12 September 1901. It was in New Zealand that Ellen Dougherty became the first registered nurse.
The nursing date of Canada all the way back to 1639 in Quebec with Augustinus nuns. These nuns try to open missions that take into account the spiritual and physical needs of the patient. The establishment of this mission creates the first training in nursing internships in North America.
In the nineteenth century there were several Catholic nursing orders that tried to spread their message in Canada. These women only consulted occasionally with the doctor. Towards the end of the care of 19th century hospitals and medical services have been improved and expanded. Much of this is due to the Nightingale model, which is applicable in British Canada. In 1874, the first formal nursing training program started at the General and Marine Hospital at St. Catharines in Ontario. Many programs appear in hospitals in Canada after this establishment. Graduates and teachers of this program begin to champion the licensing legislation, nursing journals, university training for nurses, and for professional organizations for nurses.
The first example of a Canadian and military nurse in 1885 with the Northwest Rebellion. Some nurses came out to help the wounded. In 1901 the Canadian nurse was officially part of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. Georgina Fane Pope and Margaret C. MacDonald was the first nurse to be officially recognized as a military nurse.
Canadian missionary nurses are also very important in Henan, China as part of North China Mission starting in 1888.
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, women entered various professions including teaching, journalism, social work, and public health. These advances included the establishment of Women's Medical College in Toronto (and in Kingston, Ontario) in 1883, partly due to persistence Emily Stowe, the first female practitioner in Canada. Stowe's daughter, Augusta Stowe-Gullen, became the first woman to graduate from a Canadian medical school.
In addition to a small percentage, women are outsiders to the male-dominated medical profession. As doctors become more organized, they successfully pass laws to control the practice of medicine and pharmaceuticals and ban traditional and traditional practitioners. Midwifery - practiced along traditional lines by women - was restricted and practically dead in 1900. Nevertheless, most labor processes took place quickly at home until the 1920s, when hospitals became more preferred, especially by higher-educated women, more many modern, and more believing in modern medicine.
Prairie Province
In Prairie province, the first inhabitants of the house rely on themselves for medical services. Poverty and geographical isolation empower women to learn and practice medical care with herbs, roots, and fruit that work for their mothers. They pray for divine intervention but also practice supernatural magic that provides as much psychological as physical help. Dependence on homeopathic remedies continues like trained nurses and doctors and how to manually slowly reach the homesteads of the early 20th century.
After 1900 medications and especially nursing were modernized and became well organized.
The Lethbridge Nursing Mission in Alberta is Canada's representative voluntary mission. Established, independent of the Victorian Order of Nurses, in 1909 by Jessie Turnbull Robinson. A former nurse, Robinson was elected president of the Lethbridge Assistance Society and started a district nursing service devoted to poor women and children. The mission is governed by a women's volunteer board of directors and begins by raising money for the first year of its service through charitable donations and payments from the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. The mission also integrates social work with nursing, into a unemployment aid dispenser.
Richardson (1998) examines social, political, economic, class, and professional factors that contribute to ideological and practical differences between leaders of the Alberta Graduate Nurse Association (AAGN), founded in 1916 and United Farm Women of Alberta (UFWA). ), established in 1915, on promotion and acceptance of midwifery as a recognized subspecialty of registered nurses. Accusing STEPS of ignoring the medical needs of rural Alberta women, UFWA leaders are working to improve the economic and living conditions of women farmers. Irene Parlby, the first president of UFWA, lobbied for the establishment of the provincial Department of Public Health, hospitals and doctors provided by the government, and a law to allow nurses to qualify as registered midwives. AAGN leaders opposed midwife certification, arguing that the nursing curriculum left no room for midwife studies, and thus nurses were not eligible to participate in the birth of the home. In 1919, AAGN compromised with UFWA, and they worked together for the passage of the Public Health Nurse Law that allowed nurses to serve as midwives in unfettered areas. Thus, the Alberta District Nursing Services, created in 1919 to coordinate the health resources of provincial women, is primarily generated from the organized and persistent political activism of UFWA members and few of the actions of a professional nursing group are clearly uninterested in Canada's rural medical needs.
The Alberta District Nursing Service manages health care in rural and impoverished parts of Alberta in the first half of the 20th century. Founded in 1919 to meet the mother and emergency medical needs of United Farm Women (UFWA), the Nursing Department treats grassland settlers living in primitive areas lacking doctors and hospitals. The nurse provides prenatal care, works as a midwife, performs minor surgery, conducts a school child's medical examination, and a sponsored immunization program. The post World War II discovery of large oil and gas reserves resulted in economic prosperity and the expansion of local medical services. The provincial health journey and universal hospital insurance in 1957 accelerated the gradual transfer of the unused District Office of Nursing in 1976.
Recent trends
After World War II, the health care system was expanded and nationalized with Medicare. There are currently 260,000 nurses in Canada but they face the same difficulties as most countries, as technological advances and aging populations require more care.
During most of Mexico's war in the 19th and early 20th centuries, camp followers known as soldaderas took care of warriors who were wounded in battle. During the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920) army care in northern Mexico was also carried out by Neutral White Cross, founded by Elena Arizmendi Mejia after the Mexican Red Cross refused to treat revolutionary soldiers. The Neutral White Cross treats soldiers regardless of their faction.
Nursing professionalism in France came in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In 1870, 1,500 French hospitals were operated by 11,000 Catholic sisters; in 1911 there were 15,000 nuns representing more than 200 religious orders. Government policy after 1900 was to secularize public institutions, and reduce the role of the Catholic Church. The lay staff enlarged from 14,000 in 1890 to 95,000 in 1911. This political objective is at odds with the need to maintain better quality medical care in ancient facilities. Many doctors, though personally anti-clerical, are aware of their dependence on Catholic nuns. Most lay nurses come from farmers or working class families and are poorly trained. Faced with long hours and low pay, many soon married and left the field, while Catholic nuns have left the marriage and seen nursing as God-given vocations. The new government-operated nursing school turned out to be a nonreligous nurse who was scheduled for a supervisory role. During World War, the outpouring of patriotic volunteers brought a large number of untrained middle class women to military hospitals. They leave when the war ends but its long-term effect is to increase the prestige of nursing. In 1922 the government issued a national diploma for nursing.
United States
Nursing was professionally rapidly in the late 19th century when a larger hospital set up a nursing school that attracted ambitious women from middle-class backgrounds and workers. Agnes Elizabeth Jones and Linda Richards established quality nursing schools in the US and Japan; Linda Richards was officially the first professionally trained nurse in America, who had been trained at the Florence Nightingale training school, and then graduated in 1873 from Boston's New England Hospital for Women and Children in Boston
In the early 1900s, the autonomous schools, which were controlled by nursing, Nightingale-era ended. Despite the establishment of university affiliated nursing schools, such as Columbia and Yale, hospital training programs are dominant. Formal "book learning" is not recommended for clinical experience through apprenticeship. To meet rising demand, hospitals use student nurses as cheap labor at the expense of quality formal education.
The number of hospitals grew from 149 in 1873 to 4,400 in 1910 (with 420,000 beds) to 6,300 in 1933, mainly because hospitals were trusted by the public more and could provide more intensive and professional care.
They are operated by city, state and federal agencies, by churches, by non-profit stand-alone, and by non-profit corporations run by a local doctor. All major denominations build hospitals; in 1915, the Catholic Church run 541, managed mainly by unpaid nuns. Others sometimes have small cadres of diakones as staff. Most of the larger hospitals operate nursing schools, which provide training to young women, who in turn do a lot of unpaid work. The number of active graduate nurses increased rapidly from 51,000 in 1910 to 375,000 in 1940 and 700,000 in 1970.
Protestant churches reenter the field of health, especially by making women's orders, called female deacons who dedicate themselves to nursing services.
The modern deacon movement began in Germany in 1836 when Theodor Fliedner and his wife opened the first deaconess parent house in Kaiserswerth on the Rhine. It became a model and in half a century more than 5,000 deaconesses in Europe. Chursh of England named its first deacon in 1862. The North London Deaconess Institute trains deaconesses for other dioceses and some serves abroad.
William Passavant in 1849 brought the first four deacons to Pittsburgh, in the United States, after visiting Kaiserswerth. They work at the Pittsburgh Infirmary (now Passavant Hospital).
The American Methodists - the largest Protestant denomination - engaged in large-scale missionary activities in Asia and elsewhere in the world, making priority medical services as early as the 1850s. Methodists in America noted, and began to open their own charitable institutions such as orphanages and parent homes after 1860. In the 1880s, Methodists began opening hospitals in the United States, which served people of all religious backgrounds. In 1895 13 hospitals were operating in major cities. good
In 1884, the US Lutheran, in particular John D. Lankenau, brought seven sisters from Germany to run the German Hospital in Philadelphia.
In 1963, the Lutheran Church in America had a center for deacon work in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Omaha.
Public health
In the US, the role of public health nurses began in Los Angeles in 1898, in 1924 there were 12,000 public health nurses, half of them in the 100 largest cities. Their average annual salary in big cities is $ 1,390. In addition, there are thousands of nurses employed by private agents who handle similar jobs. Public health nurses oversee health issues in public and parish schools, to prenatal and infant care, treat infectious diseases and tuberculosis and treat air diseases.
During the Spanish-American War of 1898, medical conditions in the tropical war zone were dangerous, with yellow fever and endemic malaria. The United States government is calling on women to volunteer as nurses. Thousands do it, but few are professionally trained. Among the latter are 250 Catholic nurses, most of them from the Princess of Charity from St. Vincent de Paul.
Nursing school
Sporadic progress is made on several continents, where medical pioneers set up formal nursing schools. But even as late as the 1870s, "women working in urban North American hospitals are usually untrained, working class, and given low status by both the medical professions they support and the wider community". Nursing has the same status in England and continental Europe before World War I.
Nursing schools in hospitals in the United States and Canada take the lead in applying the Nightingale model to their training programmers:
classroom standards and on-the-job training have increased sharply in the 1880s and 1890s, and along with them expectations of polite and professional conduct
By the late 1920s, women's specialization in health care included 294,000 trained nurses, 150,000 untrained nurses, 47,000 midwives, and 550,000 other hospital workers (mostly women).
In the last few decades, professionalization has moved the nursing degree from an RN-oriented hospital school and into colleges and universities. Specialization has brought many journals to broaden the knowledge base of the profession.
World War I
At the beginning of World War I, military nursing still had a small role for women in Britain; 10,500 nurses enrolled in Queen Alexandra Royal Military Care Services (QAIMNS) and Princess Mary Royal Air Care Services. This service dates from 1902 and 1918, and enjoys a royal sponsor. There are also Voluntary Help nurses (VAD) that have been registered by the Red Cross. The ranks created for new nursing services are Matron-in-Chief, Matron Chief, Sister and Staff Nurses. The women continued to join throughout the War. By the end of 1914, there were 2,223 regular and reserve members of QAIMNS and by the end of the war there were 10,404 trained nurses in QAIMNS.
Grace McDougall (1887-1963) was the energetic commander of First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY), formed in 1907 as a housekeeper in England. McDougall at one point was caught by the Germans but fled. British troops wanted nothing to do with them so they drove the ambulance and managed the hospital and victim-cleaning stations for the Belgian and French soldiers.
When Canadian nurses volunteered to serve during World War I, they were made officers commissioned by the Royal Canadian Army before being sent abroad, a move that would give them authority in the ranks, thus asking the patient and the mantri to obey directions. Canada is the first country in the world to give women this privilege. At the start of the War, nurses were not sent to cleansing posts near the front lines, where they would be hit by bullets. They were originally assigned to the hospital with a safe distance from the front. However, as the war progressed, nurses were assigned to clearing clearance sites. They were exposed with gunshots, and took care of the soldiers with "clam shells" and victims suffering new weapon effects like poison gas, as Katherine Wilson-Sammie remembers in Lights Out! The Story of a Canadian Nursing Sister . World War I was also the first war in which a clearly marked hospital ship evacuating the wounded was targeted and drowned by enemy submarines or torpedo boats, an act previously considered unthinkable, but which happened repeatedly (see List of ships a drowning hospital) in World War I). Nurses are among the victims.
Canadian women volunteer to serve overseas when nurses flood the army with apps. A total of 3,141 Canadian "nursing brothers" serve at the Canadian Army Medical Corps and 2,504 of those overseas in Britain, France and the Eastern Mediterranean in Gallipoli, Alexandria and Salonika. At the end of the First World War, 46 Canadian Nursing Sisters have died. In addition to nurses serving abroad with the military, others volunteered and paid in their own way with organizations such as the Canadian Red Cross, the Victorian Order of Nurses and St. John Ambulance. The sacrifices made by this nurse during the War in fact provided a boost to the women's suffrage movement in many of the warring countries of war. The Canadian Army nurse nurses were among the first women in the world to win the right to vote in federal elections; The Military Voter Act of 1917 extended the voting for women in services such as Nurse Nurses.
Australian nurses served in the war as part of the Australian General Hospital. Australia established two hospitals in Lemnos and the Heliopolis Islands to support the Dardanelles campaign in Gallipoli. Nursing recruitment is sporadic, with some reserve nurses being shipped with advance parties to establish HMAS transport vessels Gascoyne while others are simply fronted to Barracks and accepted, while others are expected to pay for their trips in driving. Australian nurses from this period were known as "gray ghosts" because of their dirty uniforms with stiff collars and cuffs.
During the war, Australian nurses were given their own administration rather than working under medical personnel. Australian nurses hold a record for the maximum number of triage cases processed by a victim station within a period of twenty-four hours during the Passchendale battle. Their work routinely includes giving ether during hemostatic surgery and managing and training medical assistants (mantri).
About 560 Australian military nurses served in India during the war, where they had to cope with a debilitating climate, disease outbreaks, insufficient numbers, excessive work and hostility by British Army officers.
Surveys in the US show that nurses often marry a few years after graduation and stop working; others wait 5 to 10 years to get married; some entrepreneurs never married. In the 1920s a growing number of married nurses continued to work. High rotation means advanvcement can be fast; the average age of nursing supervisors in hospitals is only 26 years. Wages for private high-duty nurses in 1920 - $ 1,300 a year while working full-time at a patient's home or in their private room at the hospital. This is more than double what women can get as teachers or office work. Prices fell sharply when the Great Depression came in 1929, and continuous work was much harder to find.
World War II
More than 4000 women worked as uniformed nurses in the Canadian Armed Forces during the Second World War. They are called "Nurse Care" and have been professionally trained in civilian life. However, in military service they achieve elite status far above what they experience as civilians. Nurses Nurses have more responsibility and autonomy, and have more opportunities to use their skills, then civil nurses. They are often close to the front, and military doctors - all men - delegate significant responsibilities to nurses because of the high level of casualties, lack of doctors, and extreme working conditions.
In 1942, sixty-five front-line nurses from the General Hospital Division in British Singapore were ordered to ride Vyner Brook and Empire Star for evacuation, rather than treating the wounded. The ships were fired with machine-gun fire by Japanese aircraft. Sisters Vera Torney and Margaret Anderson were awarded medals when they could find nothing on the overcrowded deck and covered their patients with their own bodies. This version of the action was awarded in the movie Paradise Road. The Vyner Brook was bombed and drowned quickly in the shallow waters of the Sumatra Strait and all but twenty-one were lost in the sea, allegedly drowned. The remaining nurses swim ashore in Mentok, Sumatra. Twenty-one nurses and several British and Australian soldiers were marched into the sea and killed by machine-gun fire in the Banka Island massacre. Sister Vivian Bullwinkel is the only survivor. He became Australia's premier nursing warfarer when he took care of injured British soldiers in the forest for three weeks, despite his own flesh wounds. He survived the charity provided by local Indonesians, but eventually his hunger and his privacy hid in the mangrove swamp forced him to surrender. He remains imprisoned for the rest of the war.
At about the same time, another group of twelve nurses stationed at Rabaul's mission in New Guinea were arrested along with the missionaries by attacking Japanese troops and buried in their camps for two years. They treated a number of british Australians, Australians and Americans. Toward the end of the war, they were transferred to a concentration camp in Kyoto and imprisoned in freezing conditions and forced to work hard.
United States
As Campbell (1984) points out, the nursing profession was transformed by World War II. The care of the Army and the Navy is very interesting and most nurses offer themselves for higher services than any other work in American society.
The public image of the nurses was very profitable during the war, as simplified by Hollywood films such as "Cry 'Havoc'" which made the heroes of selfless heroes under enemy fire. Several nurses were arrested by the Japanese, but in practice they were kept away from danger, with a large majority placed in front of the house. However, 77 are placed in the forests of the Pacific, where their uniforms consist of "khaki trousers, mud, shirts, mud, field shoes, mud and uniforms." Medical service is a major operation, with more than 600,000 soldiers, and ten enlisted men for every nurse. Almost all doctors are male, with female doctors allowed only to check the WAC.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt praised the nurse's service in the war effort in his last "Illegal Chat" on January 6, 1945. Expecting many victims in the Japanese invasion, he requested mandatory nursing arrangements. The victims never happened and there was never a draft of American nurses.
During World War II, nurses became part of Imperial Queen Alexandra Military Care Services (QAIMNS), as they had during World War I, and while they still exist today. (Nurses who are members of QAIMNS are informally called "QA".) Members of the Army Navy Army served in every British military campaign abroad during World War II, as well as in military hospitals in England. At the beginning of World War II, nurses held the status of officers with equal rank, but were not assigned officers. In 1941, emergency commissions and ranking structures were made, according to the structure used in the rest of the British Army. Nurses are given a rank badge and can now be promoted to rank from Lieutenant to Brigadier. Nurses were exposed to all dangers during the War, and some were captured and prisoners of war.
Germany has a very large and well-organized nursing service, with three main organizations, one for Catholics, one for Protestantism, and DRK (Red Cross). In 1934 the Nazis established their own nursing unit, the Chocolate Nurse, absorbed one of the smaller groups, bringing it up to 40,000 members. He founded a kindergarten, hoping to master the minds of younger Germans, in competition with other nursing organizations. Nazi psychiatric nurses who were members of the Nazi party participated in the killing of the disabled, though the process was covered by euphemism and rejection.
Source of the article : Wikipedia