Sabtu, 09 Juni 2018

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Playful Scottish Fold Munchkin Cat - YouTube

The Munchkin or '' 'Sausage Cat' '' is a relatively new type of cat characterized by its very short leg, caused by a genetic mutation. Much controversy erupted on the breed when it was recognized by The International Cat Association in 1995 with critics voicing concern over potential health and mobility problems.

The name "munchkin" is taken from writer L. Frank Baum, a small resident of Munchkin Country, originally from the 1900 novel, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz .

Video Munchkin cat


Short-legged cats have been documented several times around the world since the 1940s. The report of the British veterinarian in 1944 noted four generations of healthy short-legged cats that resembled normal cats except for leg length. This line disappeared during the Second World War, but other short-legged cats were found in Russia during 1956 and the United States in the 1970s.

In 1983, Sandra Hochenedel, a music teacher in Louisiana, discovered two pregnant cats being chased under a truck by a bulldog. He kept one of the cats and named his Blackberry and half his children were born with short legs. Hochenedel gave the short-legged cat from one of the Blackberry stretcher to a friend, Kay LaFrance, and he named the Toulouse kittens. It is from Blackberry and Toulouse that Munchkin breed is currently down.

Toulouse is a cat that is not castrated with outdoor access and after some time a stray short-legged cat population begins to form. Thinking they might have a new offspring, Hochenedel and LaFrance contacted Dr. Solveig Pflueger, an event judge, chair of the genetic committee of The International Cat Association (TICA) and advisor to the Board of Directors. With Dr. David Biller, Chief of Radiology at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University, Pflueger conducted a study on cats and determined that short-legged traits have an autosomal dominant inherited mode and that cats do not appear to have spinal problems associated with those found in offspring of short-legged dogs such as Corgi and Dachshund.

Munchkin cat was first introduced to the general public in 1991 through a national cat television show hosted by The International Cat Association (TICA) at Madison Square Garden. Critics predict that the breed will develop back, hip and leg problems similar to those that interfere with some Dachshunds. Amid much controversy, Munchkin was proposed as a new breed by Laurie Bobskill breeders and Robert Bobskill of Massachusetts and was accepted by TICA into the New Breed development program in September 1994. One of the veteran veteran judges resigned in protest, calling this breed an insult against breeders with ethics. Munchkin won the TICA Championship status in May 2003.

Apart from TICA, applicants who recognize this breed include The American Association of Cat Enthusiasts (AACE), the United Feline Organization (UFO), the South African Paint Board, and the Waratah National Cat Alliance in Australia. There is controversy among cattle breeders like what genetic mutations are abnormal and potentially harmful to cats. Some cat registries do not recognize Munchkin: FÃÆ' Â © dation Internationale FÃÆ' Â © line, who refuse to recognize what they consider a breed based on "genetic disease", achondroplasia. The Cat Fancy Government Council also refuses to recognize breeds, as these and other breeds become "unacceptable" because they are based on "abnormal structures or developments". This breed is also not recognized by the Cat Fanciers' Association. The Australian Capital City Government (a region of Australia) considers that munchkin proliferates into "malformed animals" and their deliberate breeding "is unacceptable" because of "genetic health problems associated with the breeding". Owners and Breeders munchkins declare them to be the "ideal" voice band for small homes and not too susceptible to health problems.

In 2014, Lilieput, Munchkin cat from Napa, California, was named the shortest living cat in the world by Guinness World Records. He has a height of 5.25 inches (13.34 cm).

Maps Munchkin cat


The Munchkin is generally described as a sweet, friendly, people-oriented, outgoing and intelligent cat that responds well to being handled. Some sources state that the shortness of their feet does not interfere with the ability to run and jump them, while others claim their ability to jump is limited by their conditions.

The Munchkin has characteristics similar to that of a normal domestic cat, as it is often used as outcrosses. This is a small to medium cat with a medium body type and medium-luxury coat. Munchkins men typically weigh between 6 and 9 pounds (3-4 kg) and are typically larger than Munchkins women, which typically weigh between 4 and 8 pounds. The rear legs can be slightly longer than the front which creates a slight rise from the shoulders to the buttocks. The Munchkin's legs may be slightly bent, though excessive bending is a disqualification in the show ring. The legs on the cow were also punished.

The Munchkin comes in all the colors and patterns of the mantle. It also comes in a long-haired variety, which is featured in the separate Munchkin Longhair category. Short-haired varieties have medium-length intermediate coat while long hair has a semi-long silk coat. The TICA rule for crossing allows the use of domestic cats that do not include recognized breeds. In common with other breeds is the reason for disqualification. Nonstandard munchkins are not allowed to be displayed.

Munchkin Cat - A Candid Breed Review from the Happy Cat Site


Although the genetic mutations that cause short-legged properties in Munchkins have been referred to as achondroplasia, achondroplasia is usually associated with an enlarged head and short legs. This feature combination is not seen in Munchkin cat. This condition is sometimes referred to as hypochondroplasia or pseudoachondroplasia. Small litter size when two munchkin cats are crossed indicates that a homozygous embryo for the munchkin gene can not live.

While there is initial speculation that Munchkin will develop a spinal problem commonly seen in short-legged dog breeds, in 1995 some breeders had the oldest Munchkins that were X-rayed and examined signs of bone or joint problems and found none. However, there seem to be two conditions with an increased incidence of heredity: lordosis (excessive spinal curvature) and pectus excavatum (perforated chest). Both of these conditions are commonly seen in humans with pseudoachondroplasia. This condition can appear in other breeds and some breeders have denied that this is a problem for Munchkin.

Male Munchkin Cat in Avondale, Arizona - Hoobly Classifieds


The munchkin gene is an autosomal dominant. Homozygous embryos for munchkin genes are not feasible because the genes are lethal, and do not develop in the womb. Only the heterozygous kittens for the munchkin gene develop into a decent short-legged munchkin kitten. Since only a heterozygous munch cat cat can inherit a gene, all children with at least one parent cat have the possibility of containing kittens with a normal short-legged or legged phenotype (referred to as non-standard munchkin), with M or mm genotype, where M is a feature for short legs and m is a feature for long legs. The marriage of two munchkin parents, Mm x Mm, has an opportunity to produce this offspring: 25% MM - non-surviving kittens, 50% Mm-short legs, 25% mm-normal. The resulting waste will be 2/3 Mm-short legs and 1/3 mm-normal.

Punnett squares, where M represents the dominant munchkin gene and m represents the normal recessive gene, can be used to describe the possibility of a particular marriage producing short-edged cats.

The Munchkin has been crossed with a curly-coated LaPerm to create Skookum, a hairless Sphynx to create Minskin and Bambino, Selkirk Rex twisted curly to create Lambkin, Persian (including Himalayan and Exotic Shorthair) races to create Napoleon, Curling America permed to create Kinkalow, Fold Scotland doubled to create Kilts of Scotland, and also with Bengal to create Genetta.

Munchkin Cat And Cat Red Marble in New York, New York - Hoobly ...

See also

  • Mutation of cat body type genes
  • Scottish Fold, various cats with genes that cause osteochondrodysplasia rather than achondroplasia.

Munchkin Cat Breed Information, Buying Advice, Photos and Facts ...


Source of the article : Wikipedia
