Sabtu, 14 Juli 2018

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The domestic dog ( Canis lupus familiaris when considered a subspecies of the gray wolf or Canis familiaris when considered as a different species) is a member of genus Canis (canines), which is part of the wolf canon, and is the most abundant terrestrial carnivore. The still gray dog ​​and gray wolf is a taxi brother as a modern wolf unrelated to the first tamed wolf, implying that the dog's immediate ancestor was extinct. Dogs are the first species to be domesticated and have been selectively bred for thousands of years for various behaviors, sensory abilities, and physical attributes.

Their long-standing relationship with humans has brought the dogs to uniquely adapt to human behavior and they can thrive with an inadequate starch-rich diet for other canid species. New research seems to indicate that dogs have mutations to an equivalent genetic area in humans where changes are known to trigger high social skills and reduce intelligence. Dogs vary greatly in shape, size and color. Dogs play many roles for people, such as hunting, herding, pulling burdens, protecting, helping the police and military, friendship and, more recently, helping disabled individuals and therapeutic roles. This influence on human society has given them sobriquet "best male friend".

Video Dog


The term "domestic dog" is commonly used for pet and wild varieties. The English word dog comes from the Middle English dogge , from Old English docga , "strong dog type". This term may come from Proto-Germanic * dukk? N , represented in Old English finger-docce ("finger-muscle") or (as suggested by Piotr G? Siorowski) adjectives Old English dox , which means "brown" or "tan". In both cases, the word seems to have been derived through the smaller suffix -ga also seen in frogga "frog", picga "pig", < i> stagga "deer", wicga "beetle, worm", among others.

In the 14th century England, hound (from Old English: hund ) is a common word for all domestic canine teeth, and dogs refers to the subtype of dogs, groups including mastiff. Believed this type of "dog" is very common, eventually becoming the prototype category "dog". In the 16th century, dogs have become common words, and dogs have begun to refer only to the types used for hunting. The word "hound" is basically derived from the Proto-Indo-European word * kwon - , "dog". This semantic shift can be compared with in Germany, where the corresponding word Hund stores its original meaning. (German, like any other European language, has a borrowed word from English dog that refers specifically to mastiff.) The term *? Won - may be from the earliest layers of Proto-Indo-European vocabulary.

A male dog is referred to as a "dog", while a woman is traditionally called a "bitch" (derived from Middle English bicche , from Old English bicce , ultimately from Old Norse bikkja ). Because the word "bitch" has taken a condescending connotation, it is currently less used to refer to dogs. The father of the garbage is called Sire , and his mother is called the dam . The birth process is "whelping", from the Old English word hwelp ; the modern English word "whelp" is an alternative term for puppies. Litter refers to the multiple breeds of a birth called puppies or puppies of the French poupÃÆ' Â © e , "dolls", most of which have replaced the old term "whelp".

Maps Dog


  • The term dog is usually applied both to species (or subspecies) as a whole, and to every member of the same adult male.
  • An adult woman is a bitch .
  • A man capable of reproduction is a stud. .
  • A mature woman capable of reproducing is a parent , or a parent .
  • Unmarried males or females (ie, animals that are not capable of reproduction) are puppies or puppies .
  • A group of puppies from the same gestational period is junk .
  • The dad from the trash is your lord . It is possible for one litter to have multiple sires.
  • Mother from trash is dam .
  • A group of three or more adults is pack .

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In 1758, the taxonomist Linnaeus published in the Systema Naturae classification of species. Canis is a Latin word meaning dog, and under this genus he enrolls carnivores such as dogs including domestic dogs, wolves, and wolves. He classifies domestic dogs as Canis familiaris and on the next page as a separate species he classifies wolves as Canis lupus . In 1926, the International Commission on Zoological Nomenography (ICZN) in Opinion 91 included the Genus Canis on the Official List and Index of Names in Zoology . In 1955, Direction 22 ICZN added Canis familiaris as the species species for the genus Canis to the official list. In 1957, ICZN decided in Opinion 451 that Canis dingo was placed on its official list.

In 1978, a review to minimize the number of species listed under the genus Canis proposed that " Canis dingo is now generally regarded as a special feral domestic dog. Canis familiaris is used for domestic dogs, although taxonomically probably should be identical to Canis lupus. "In 1982, the first edition of the World Mammal Species included notes under Canis lupus with comments : "Probably ancestors and the like with domestic dogs, familiaris ".

In 2003, ICZN declared in its Revenue 2027 that "the name of wild species... is invalid because it was preceded by a name based on a domestic form." Additionally, ICZN places a taxi Canis lupus as a name preserved on an official list based on this opinion. In the third edition of the World Mammal Species published in 2005, W. Christopher Wozencraft mammalogist is listed under the Canis lupus wolf he proposed into two subspecies: i> Linneaus, 1758 [domestic dog] "and" dingo Meyer, 1793 [domestic dog] ", with the comment" Including domestic dogs as subspecies, with separate temporary dingo - artificial variants made by domestication and selective breeding Although this may stretch the concept of subspecies, it maintains the correct allocation of synonyms. "

This classification by Wozencraft is hotly debated by zoologists. Mathew Crowther, Stephen Jackson and Colin Groves disagree with Wozencraft and argue that under ICZN Opinion 2027, the implication is that domestic animals can not become subspecies. Crowther, Juliet Clutton-Brock and others argue that since dingo is distinct from wolves by behavior, morphology, and that dingo and dogs do not fall genetically in an existing wolf clade, dingo must be considered a different taxon. Canis dingo . Jackson and Groves consider the Canis familiaris as a taxonomic synonym for the Canis lupus wolf with both rankings at the species level. They also disagree with Crowther, based on the overlap between dogs and dingo in their morphology, in their ability to easily hybridize each other, and that they show signs of domestication by both having smaller cranial capacities than their ancestors, wolves. Given that Canis familiaris Linnaeus, 1758 has priority dates on Canis dingo Meyer, 1793, they regard dingo as a junior taxonomy synonym for my Canis familiaris dog. Gheorghe Benga and others support dingo as a subspecies of the dog from the previous Canis familiaris dingo designated by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach in 1799.

Paleontologists Xiaoming Wang and Richard H. Tedford propose that the dog can be classified as Canis lupus familiaris under the Biological Species Concept because dogs can interbreed with gray wolf (Canis lupus >), and Canis familiaris under the Evolutionary Species Concept because the dog has started a separate evolutionary path to the gray wolf.

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The origin of domestic dogs is unclear. It is known that the dog is the first pet species. The domestic dog is a member of the genus Canis (canine teeth), which is part of the wolf canon, and is the most abundant terrestrial carnivore. The closest relatives of the closest dogs are gray wolves and there is no evidence of other dogs contributing to their genetic lineage. Dogs and gray wolves that still exist form two clades of younger siblings, with modern wolves not closely related to the first tamed wolves. Archaeological records show the first undisputed dog remains buried next to humans 14,700 years ago, with remnants of a dispute that occurred 36,000 years ago. These dates imply that the earliest dogs appeared at the time of human hunter-gatherers and not farmers.

Where the genetic differences of dogs and wolves occur is still controversial, with the most plausible proposals covering Western Europe, Central Asia, and East Asia. This has been made more complicated by recent proposals that fit the existing evidence, namely that the early wolf population split into East and West Eurasian wolves, was then tamed independently before it became extinct into two different dog populations between 14,000-6,400 years old. then, and then the Western Eurasian dog population is partially and gradually replaced by an East Asian dog brought by humans at least 6,400 years ago.

Dog - Wikipedia



Domestic dogs have been selectively breeded for thousands of years for various behaviors, sensory abilities, and physical attributes. Modern breed dogs show more variations in size, appearance, and behavior than other domestic animals. Dogs are predators and carrion eaters, and like many other predatory mammals, dogs have strong muscles, combined wrist bones, a cardiovascular system that supports fast running and endurance, and teeth to catch and tear.

Size and weight

Dogs vary greatly in height and weight. The smallest known adult dog is the Yorkshire Terrier, measuring only 6.3 cm (2.5 inches) across the shoulders, 9.5 centimeters (3.7 inches) along the head and body, and weighs only 113 grams (4.0 Ã, oz). The largest known dog is the English Mastiff weighing 155.6 kg (343 lb) and 250 cm (98 inches) from snout to tail. The highest dog is the Great Dane that stood 106.7 centimeters (42.0 inches) across the shoulders.


Dog senses include vision, hearing, the sense of smell, sense of taste, touch and sensitivity to the earth's magnetic field. Other studies show that dogs can see the Earth's magnetic field.


The domestic dog coat has two varieties: the common "double" with dogs (also wolves) derived from cold climates, comprised of rough guard hair and soft hair down, or "single", with only the upper mantle.

Domestic dogs often feature retaining remains, a common natural camouflage pattern. An oppressive animal will have a dark color on its upper surface and bright dye below, which reduces its general visibility. Thus, many offspring will have a "flame", a line, or a "star" white fur on the chest or below.

Regarding the appearance of a coat or health, the coat can be nourished or influenced by many nutrients present in the diet, see Coat (dog) for more information.


There are many different forms for a dog's tail: straight, straight up, sickle, curled, or cork screw. Like many cups, one of the main functions of a dog's tail is to communicate their emotional state, which can be important in associating with others. In some hunting dogs, however, the tail is traditionally anchored to avoid injury. In some breeds, such as Braque du Bourbonnais, puppies can be born with a short tail or no tail at all.

Differences from wolf

Despite their close genetic relationships and the ability to multiply, there are a number of diagnostic features to distinguish the gray wolf from domestic dogs. Pet dogs are clearly distinguished from the wolves by the starch gel electrophoresis of red blood cell phosphatase. The tympanic cow is large, convex and almost round in the gray wolf, whereas the dogs are smaller, flat and slightly tangled. Compared to the same-sized wolf, dogs tend to have 20% smaller skulls and 30% smaller brains. Gray gray teeth are also proportionally larger than dogs. The dog has a more domed forehead and a distinctive "stop" between the forehead and the nose. The temporalis muscle that closes the jaw is stronger on the wolf. Wolves have no dewclaws on their hind legs, unless there is a mixture with the dog that owns it. Most dogs do not have a functioning pre-caustic gland and enter the estrus twice a year, unlike the gray wolf that only does it once a year. The so-called primitive dogs like Dingoes and Basenjis maintain an annual estrus cycle. Dogs generally have brown eyes and wolves almost always have yellow or bright eyes. Domestic dog skin tends to be thicker than wolves, with some Inuit support the first to be used as clothing because of greater resistance to wear and tear in harsh weather. Dog claws are half the size of a wolf, and their tails tend to curve upwards, another trait not found in Dog wolf has evolved into hundreds of varied breeds, and shows more variation in behavior and morphology than any other land. mammals. For example, the height measured to the withers ranges from 6 inches (150 mm) in Chihuahua to 3.3 feet (1.0 m) in the Irish Wolfhound; colors vary from white to gray (usually called "blue") to black, and brown from light (brown) to dark ("red" or "brown") in a variety of patterns; coat can be short or long, rough to wool like, straight, curly, or smooth. It is common for most breeds to take off their coats.


There are many household crops that are toxic to dogs including begonias, Poinsettia and aloe vera.

Some dog breeds are susceptible to certain genetic diseases such as elbow and hip dysplasia, blindness, deafness, pulmonary stenosis, cleft palate, and knee tricks. Two serious medical conditions that primarily affect dogs are pyometra, which affects non-torn females of all kinds and ages, and gastric dilatation volvulus (bloating), which affects larger offspring or deep-chested dogs. Both are acute conditions, and can kill quickly. Dogs are also vulnerable to parasites such as ticks, ticks, and mites, as well as hookworms, tapeworms, roundworms, and liverworms.

A number of common human foods and household foods are toxic to dogs, including brown solids (theobromine intoxication), onion and garlic (thiosulphate, sulfoxide or disulfide poisoning), grapes and raisins, macadamia nuts, xylitol, as well as various plants and other. potentially digestible ingredients. Nicotine in tobacco can also be harmful. Dogs can be exposed to substance by scavenging trash or ashtrays; eating cigars and cigarettes. Signs can vomit in large quantities (eg, from eating cigar butts) or diarrhea. Some other signs are abdominal pain, loss of coordination, collapse, or death. Dogs are particularly susceptible to theobromine poisoning, usually from the consumption of chocolate. Theobromine is toxic to dogs because, although dog metabolism is capable of breaking down chemistry, the process is so slow that even a small amount of chocolate can be fatal, especially dark chocolate.

Dogs are also susceptible to some of the same health conditions as humans, including diabetes, dental and cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, cancer, hypothyroidism, and arthritis.


In 2013, a study found that live mixed breeds averaged 1.2 years longer than pure breeds, and that weight gain was negatively correlated with longevity (ie, the longer the dog weighed).

The typical age of the dog varies greatly among offspring, but for most of the median longevity, the age at which half the dogs in the population are dead and half are alive, ranging from 10 to 13 years. Individual dogs can live far beyond their median breeds.

The breed with the shortest lifespan (among descendants of a questionnaire survey with a reasonable sample size) is the Dogue de Bordeaux, with an average lifespan of about 5.2 years, but some breeds, including the Miniature Bull Terriers, Bloodhounds, and Irish Wolfhounds are almost short-lived, with an average lifespan of 6 to 7 years.

Longest breeds, including Toy Poodle, Japanese Spitz, Border Terriers, and Tibetan Spaniels, have an average lifespan of 14 to 15 years. The average lifespan of mixed dogs, taken as average of all sizes, is one year or longer longer than pure race dogs when all offspring are averaged. The dog that is widely reported as the longest living is "Bluey", who died in 1939 and claimed to be 29.5 years old at the time of his death. On December 5, 2011, Pusuke, the world's oldest dog recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records, died at the age of 26 years and 9 months.


In pet dogs, sexual maturity begins around the age of six to twelve months for both men and women, although this can be delayed up to two years for some large breeds. This is the time at which the female dogs will have their first estrus cycles. They will experience the next estrus cycle every semester, in which the body prepares for pregnancy. At the peak of the cycle, women will come to estrus, mentally and physically accept intercourse. Because the egg survives and is able to be fertilized for a week after ovulation, there is the possibility of more than one male to be the master of the same litter.

Fertilization usually occurs 2-5 days after ovulation; 14-16 days after ovulation, the embryo attaches to the uterus, and after 7-8 days the heart rate is detected.

Dogs bear their impurities around 58 to 68 days after conception, with an average of 63 days, although the duration of pregnancy may vary. The average litter consists of about six puppies, although this number may vary by dog ​​breed. In general, dog toys produce one to four puppies in every garbage, while much larger breeds can reach an average of twelve.

Some dog breeds have properties acquired through selective breeding that interferes with reproduction. French male bulldogs, for example, can not afford to install females. For many dogs of this breed, females must be artificially inseminated to be able to reproduce.


Neutering refers to the sterilization of animals, usually by removing male or female ovaries and female uterus, to eliminate the ability to produce and reduce sexual urges. Because of the overpopulation of dogs in some countries, many animal control agencies, such as the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), suggest that dogs that are not intended for further breeding should be castrated, so they do not have unwanted children dogs that may have to be euthanized.

According to the Humane Society of the United States, 3-4 million dogs and cats are dropped each year in the United States and many more are confined to shelters in shelters because there are more animals than homes. Spaying or castrating dogs helps reduce overpopulation. Local human societies, the SPCA, and other animal protection organizations urged people to whiten their pets and adopt animals from shelters rather than buy them.

Neutering reduces the problems caused by hypersexuality, especially in male dogs. Female dogs are less likely to develop some forms of cancer, affecting the mammary gland, ovaries, and other reproductive organs. However, neutering increases the risk of urinary incontinence in female dogs, and prostate cancer in men, as well as osteosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma, cruciate ligament rupture, obesity, and diabetes mellitus in both sexes.

Inbreeding depression

The common breeding practice for pet dogs is married between close relatives (eg between half and full siblings). In a study of seven different breeds of French dogs (Bernese mountain dog, basset dog, Cairn terrier, Epagneul Breton, German Shepherd dog, Leonberger, and West White Highland terrier) it was found that inbreeding reduced the size of the litter and survival. Another data analysis on 42,855 litter dachshund, found that when the inbreeding coefficient increased, the litter size decreased and the percentage of dead born puppies increased, thus indicating inbreeding depression.

About 22% of puppies die before reaching the age of 7 weeks. Stillbirth is the most common cause of death, followed by infection. Mortality due to infection was found to increase significantly with inbreeding increase. Inbreeding depression is thought to be largely due to the expression of recessive mutations harming homozygous. Crosses between unrelated individuals, including dogs of different races, produce a beneficial mask of destructive recessive mutations in offspring.

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Intelligence, behavior, and communication


The intelligence of a dog is a dog's ability to understand information and store it as knowledge to apply to solve problems. Dogs have been shown to be learning by inference. A study with Rico shows that she knows the labels of more than 200 different items. He summed up the names of new items with exclusion learning and correctly took the new items immediately and also 4 weeks after the initial exposure. Dogs have advanced memory skills. A study documenting the learning and memory abilities of the border collie, "Chaser", who has studied the names and can associate with oral orders over 1,000 words. Dogs can read and react appropriately to human body language such as gesturing and pointing, and understanding human voice commands. Dogs demonstrate the theory of mind by engaging in deception. An experimental study shows convincing evidence that Australian dingo can outperform domestic dogs in non-social problem solving, suggesting that domestic dogs may have lost much of their original problem-solving abilities after they joined humans. Another study showed that after undergoing training to complete simple manipulation tasks, dogs faced with insoluble versions of the same problem looked at humans, while the socialized wolves did not. Modern domestic dogs use humans to solve their problems for them.


Dog behavior is an internally coordinated response (action or absence) of domestic dogs (individuals or groups) to internal and/or external stimuli. As the oldest domesticated species, with estimates ranging from 9,000 to 30,000 years before Christ, the dog's mind must have been shaped by thousands of years of contact with humans. As a result of this physical and social evolution, dogs, more than any other species, have gained the ability to understand and communicate with humans, and they are uniquely aligned with human behavior. Behavioral scientists have found a surprising set of social cognitive abilities in domestic dogs. These abilities are not owned by dog's closest dog relatives or by highly intelligent mammals such as great apes but rather parallel some of the social-cognitive skills of human children.

Unlike other domestic species that are primarily selected for properties associated with production, dogs were initially selected for their behavior. By 2016, a study found that there are only 11 fixed genes that show variations between wolves and dogs. This gene variation is unlikely to be the result of natural evolution, and shows selection in both morphology and behavior during dog domestication. These genes have been shown to affect the pathway synthesis of catecholamine, with most genes affecting the fight-or-flight response (ie selection for tameness), and emotional processing. Dogs generally show less fear and aggression compared to wolves. Some of these genes have been linked to aggression in some dog breeds, indicating their importance in early domestication and later in breed formation. High sociability traits and lack of fear of dogs may include genetic modifications associated with Williams-Beuren syndrome in humans, leading to hypersocial at the expense of problem-solving abilities.


Dog communication is about how dogs "talk" to each other, how they understand the messages that humans send to them, and how humans can translate ideas that dogs are trying to emit. These communication behaviors include eye sight, facial expression, vocalization, posture (including body movement and limb) and gustatory communication (aroma, pheromone and taste). Humans communicate with dogs using vocalizations, hand signals and posture.

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Population and habitat

The global dog population is estimated at 900 million and is increasing. Although it is said that "dogs are the best human companions" about 17-24% of dogs in developed countries, in developing countries they are wild animals, villages or community dogs, with unusual pet dogs. Most of these dogs live their lives as carrion eaters and have never been owned by humans, with one study showing the most common response when approached by a stranger is to escape (52%) or respond aggressively (11%). Little is known about these dogs, or dogs in the wild, lost country or in shelters, as the majority of modern research on dog cognition focuses on pet dogs living in human homes.


Being the most abundant and widespread terrestrial carnivore, wild and free dogs have the greatest potential to compete with other carnivores. Study reviews on the competitive effects of dogs on sympatric carnivores do not mention research on competition between dogs and wolves. Competition will benefit wolves as it is known to kill dogs, but wolves tend to live in pairs or in small groups in areas where they are severely persecuted, giving them the disadvantage facing large dog groups.

Wolves kill dogs wherever they are found together. One survey claims that in Wisconsin in 1999 more compensation was paid for dog losses than livestock, but in Wisconsin wolves would often kill hunting dogs, probably because they were in the wolf territory. Some wolf pairs have been reported to prey on dogs by asking a wolf to lure the dog out into a thick brush in which the second animal waits to be ambushed. In some cases, the wolf shows human and building impatience when attacking dogs, insofar as they must be beaten or killed. Although the number of dogs killed each year is relatively low, this causes the fear of wolves entering villages and farms to pick up dogs. In many cultures, there is a strong social and emotional bond between humans and their dogs that can be seen as family members or team members. The loss of a dog can lead to a strong emotional response to the demands of a more liberal wolf hunting regime.

Coyotes and big cats are also known to attack dogs. Leopards are especially known to have a tendency for dogs, and have been recorded to kill and consume them regardless of size or malignancy. Tigers in Manchuria, Indochina, Indonesia, and Malaysia are thought to kill dogs with the same powers as leopards. Striped bosses are the main predators of wild dogs in Turkmenistan, India, and the Caucasus.

The common thorny collar found in pets and pet dogs is not a mere decoration: it comes from dog-prone neck protection from wolves, but also protects dogs from other dog attacks.


Despite their descendants of wolves and classification as Carnivores, various dogs are described in scientific and other writings as carnivores or omnivores. Unlike mandatory carnivorous birds, dogs can adapt to a broad diet, and do not rely on meat-specific proteins or very high levels of protein to meet their basic dietary needs. Dogs will naturally digest various foods, including vegetables and whole grains, and can consume most of these foods in their diet, but all meat foods are not recommended for dogs because of the lack of calcium and iron. Comparing dogs and wolves, dogs have an adaptation of genes involved in starch digestion that contribute to the increased ability to thrive on a starch-rich diet.


As a pet or semi-domestic, this dog is almost universal among human society. Leading exceptions include:

  • The Tasmanian Aborigines, separated from Australia before the arrival of the dingo on the continent
  • The Andamans, who were isolated as rising sea levels covered the land bridge to Myanmar
  • The native Tierra del Fuego, who tamed the Fuegian dog, a different canid species
  • Certain Pacific islands whose maritime settlers do not carry dogs, or where dogs die after the original settlements, especially: Palau, Marshall Islands, Gilbert Islands, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Tonga, Marquesas, Mangaia in Cook Islands, Rapa Iti in Polynesia France, Easter Island, Chatham Island, and Pitcairn Island (inhabited by Bounty rebels, who kill their dogs to escape invention by passing boats).
  • Breeds

    The domestic dog is the first species, and the only large carnivore, which has been domesticated. Over the past 200 years, dogs have undergone rapid phenotypic changes and formed into modern dog breeds today due to man-made artificial selection. These breeds can vary in size and weight from 0.46 kg (1.0 Â £) cup of poodle to a gigantic mastiff weighing 90 kg (200 pounds). The skull, body and leg proportions vary significantly between breeds, with dogs exhibiting more phenotypic diversity than can be found in all carnivorous sequences. Some breeds exhibit extraordinary skills in herding, picking, detecting aromas, and preserving, which shows the functional diversity and behavior of dogs. The first dogs must be wolves, but phenotypic changes that coincide with the dog-wolf genetic differences from each other are unknown.

    Phenotypic variations may include height measured to the withers ranging from 15.2 cm (6.0 inches) in Chihuahua to 76 cm (30 inches) in the Irish Wolfhound; colors vary from white to gray (usually called "blue") to black, and brown from light (brown) to dark ("red" or "brown") in a variety of patterns; coat can be short or long, rough to wool like, straight, curly, or smooth.

    For some breeds, cold weather clothing is good for their health.

    Role with humans

    Domestic dogs inherit complex behaviors, such as inhibition of bites, from their wolf ancestors, who will become pack hunters with complex body language. These sophisticated forms of communication and social cognition can explain their ability to train, play, and their ability to enter into the human family and social situations, and these attributes have given the dog a relationship with humans that has enabled them to be wrong one of the most successful species in the world. planet today.

    The value of dogs for early human hunter-gatherers causes them to quickly become ubiquitous throughout the world's cultures. Dogs play many roles for people, such as hunting, herding, pulling burdens, protecting, helping the police and military, friendship, and, more recently, helping disabled individuals. This influence on human society has given them the nickname of "human best friend" in the Western world. But in some cultures, dogs are also a source of meat.

    Initial role

    Wolves, and the offspring of their dogs, will benefit significantly from living in human camps - safer, more reliable food, fewer caloric needs, and more chances to reproduce. They will benefit from a human upright walk that gives them a greater range to see predators and potential prey, and better color vision that, at least during the day, gives people better visual discrimination. Camp dogs will also benefit from the use of human tools, such as in dropping larger prey and controlling fire for various purposes.

    The Tibetan dogs are twice as big as those seen in India, with big heads and hairy bodies. They are strong animals, and are said to kill tigers. During the day they are chained, and released during the night to keep their master's house.

    Humans will also benefit greatly from the dogs associated with their camps. For example, dogs will improve sanitation by cleaning up leftovers. Dogs may have given warmth, as mentioned in the Australian Aboriginal expression "three dog nights" (a very cold night), and they will warn camps for the presence of predators or strangers, using their acute hearing to provide early warning..

    Anthropologists believe the most significant benefit is the use of strong dog's sense of smell to help hunt. The association between dog attendance and success in hunting is often cited as the main reason for wolf domestication, and a study of 2004 hunter groups with and without a dog provides quantitative support to the hypothesis that the benefits of hunting cooperatives are an important factor in wolf domestication.

    Dog and human cohabitation will greatly increase the likelihood of survival for early human groups, and dog domestication may be one of the key forces that lead to human success.

    Emigrants from Siberia walking across the Bering land bridge to North America may have dogs in their company, and a writer suggests that the use of sled dogs may be crucial to the successful waves entering North America some 12,000 years ago, although the earliest archaeological evidence from cans like dogs in North America originated from about 9,400 years ago. Dogs are an important part of life for the Athabascan population in North America, and are their only pet. Dogs also carry a lot of burdens in the migration of Apache and Navajo tribes 1,400 years ago. The use of dogs as packing animals in this culture often persists after the introduction of horses to North America.

    As a pet

    It is estimated that three-quarters of the world's dog population lives in the developing world as wild animals, villages, or community dogs, with unusual pet dogs.

    "The most extensive form of interspecies bonding between humans and dogs" and the maintenance of dogs as friends, especially by the elite, has a long history. (As a possible example, on the Natufian Ain Mallaha cultural site in Israel, dated 12,000 BC, old human remains and puppies aged four to five months found buried together). However, the pet dog population grew significantly after World War II when urbanization increased. In the 1950s and 1960s, dogs were kept outside more often than they wanted today (using the phrase "in dog house" to describe the exclusion of the group signifying the distance between the dog house and the house) and still mainly functional, acting as guardians, children's playmates, or traveling companions. From the 1980s, there was a change in the role of pet dogs, such as the increasing role of dogs in the emotional support of their human guardians. Humans and dogs have become increasingly integrated and engaged in each other's lives, up to the point where pet dogs actively shape the way families and homes experience.

    There are two main trends in changing pet dog status. The first is the 'commodification' of dogs, shaping them to fit human expectations of personality and behavior. The second is to expand the concept of family and home to include dogs as dogs in routine and daily practice.

    There are various forms of commodities available to turn pet dogs into ideal friends. The list of goods, services and places available is immense: from dog perfume, couture, furniture and housing, to dog groomers, therapists, trainers and nurses, dog cafes, spas, parks and beaches, and dog hotels, flights and cemeteries. While dog training as an organized activity can be traced back to the 18th century, in the last decade of the 20th century, this is a big problem because many normal dog behaviors such as barking, jumping, digging, fouling, fighting and marking urine ( which the dog does to build the area through the scent), becomes increasingly incompatible with the new role of pet dog. Dog training books, classes and television programs proliferate as the process of commodifying pet dogs continues.

    The majority of contemporary people with dogs describe their pets as part of the family, although some ambivalence about this relationship is evident in the popular reconceptualization of the dog-human family as a package. A model of dog-human domination has been promoted by some dog trainers, as in the Dog Whisperer television program. But it has been argued that "trying to achieve status" is a characteristic of dog-human interaction. Pet dogs play an active role in family life; for example, conversational studies in dog-human families show how family members use dogs as resources, talk to dogs, or talk through dogs, to mediate their interactions with each other.

    More and more members of the human family are engaged in activities that center on the needs and interests of a conscious dog, or where dogs are integral partners, such as dancing dogs and yoga dogs.

    According to statistics published by the Association of American Pet Products Manufacturers in the National Pet Owner Survey of 2009-2010, there are estimated 77.5 million people with pet dogs in the United States. The same survey showed nearly 40% of American households had at least one dog, of which 67% had only one dog, 25% two dogs and nearly 9% more than two dogs. There seems to be no gender preference among dogs as pets, since statistical data reveal the same amount of female and male pets. However, although some programs are underway to promote adoption of pets, fewer than a fifth of the dogs are from shelters.

    Recent research using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) comparing humans and dogs shows that dogs have the same response to sound and use the same brain parts as humans. This gives the dog the ability to recognize the emotional human voice, making it a social pet friendly to humans.


    Dogs have lived and worked with humans in many roles. In addition to the role of dog as a companion animal, dogs have been raised to graze livestock (collies, sheepdogs), hunting (dogs, pointers), and rodent controls (terriers). Other types of working dogs include search and rescue dogs, detection dogs trained to detect illegal drugs or chemical weapons; watchdog; dogs that help fishermen by using nets; and dogs that pull the burden. In 1957, the Laika dog became the first animal to be launched into Earth orbit, above Soviet Sputnik 2; he died during the flight.

    Various types of service dogs and relief dogs, including guide dogs, hearing dogs, mobility dogs, and dog psychiatric services provide assistance to individuals with disabilities. Some dogs possessed by epilepsy have been shown to remind their handler when the handler shows signs of impending seizures, sometimes long before onset, allowing the guardian to seek safety, medication, or medical care.

    Sports and performances

    People often enter their dogs in competitions such as breed or sports conformation events, including racing competitions, sleds and agility.

    In conformational performances, also referred to as show breeds, a judge familiar with a particular breed of dog evaluates individual dog breeds to suit their breed type as described in the breed standard. Since breed standards are only related to externally observable qualities of dogs (such as appearance, movement, and temperament), independently tested qualities (such as ability or health) are not part of the conformational assessment.

    As food

    Dog meat is consumed in several East Asian countries, including Korea, China and Vietnam, practices that date back to ancient times. An estimated 13-16 million dogs are killed and consumed in Asia each year. Other cultures, such as Polynesian and Mexican pre-Columbian, also consume dog meat in their history. However, Western culture, South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, in general, consider the consumption of dog meat as a taboo. In some places, however, as in rural Poland, dog fat is believed to have medicinal properties - good for the lungs for example. Dog meat is also consumed in some parts of Switzerland. Proponents of eating dog meat argue that putting the difference between cattle and dogs is western hypocrisy, and that there is no difference with eating different animal flesh.

    In Korea, the main breed of dogs raised for meat, nureongi (???), is different from breeds raised for pets that Koreans can keep in their homes.

    The most popular Korean dog dish is gangsters (also called bosintang ), a spicy soup intended to balance body heat during the summer; followers of these customary claims are made to ensure good health by balancing a person's gi , or the body's vital energy. The nineteenth-century version of the witches explains that dishes are prepared by boiling dog meat with spring onions and chili powder. Variations of dishes contain chicken and bamboo shoots. While dishes are still popular in Korea with population segments, dogs are not widely consumed like beef, chicken, and pork.

    Health risks in humans

    In 2005, WHO reported that 55,000 people died in Asia and Africa due to rabies, a disease in which dogs are the most important vector.

    Citing a 2008 study, the US Centers for Disease Control estimates by 2015 that 4.5 million people in the US are bitten by dogs every year. A 2015 study estimates that 1.8% of the US population is bitten annually. In the 1980s and 1990s the US averaged 17 deaths per year, while in the 2000s this had risen to 26. 77% of dog bites were from family pets or friends, and 50% of the attacks occurred on the dog property legal. owner.

    A study in Colorado found the bites in children lighter than the bites in adults. The incidence of dog bites in the US is 12.9 per 10,000 population, but for boys aged 5 to 9 years, the incidence rate is 60.7 per 10,000. In addition, children have a much higher chance of being bitten on the face or neck. Sharp claws with strong muscles behind them can tear the meat in scratches that can cause serious infections.

    In the UK between 2003 and 2004, there were 5,868 dog attacks on humans, resulting in 5,770 working days lost in sick leave.

    In the United States, cats and dogs are a factor in over 86,000 falls every year. It is estimated that about 2% of dog-related injuries treated in British hospitals are domestic accidents. The same study found that although dog involvement in road traffic accidents is difficult to measure, a dog-related road accident involving injuries more often involves a two-wheeled vehicle.

    Toxocara canis (roundworm) eggs in dog poop can cause toxocariasis. In the United States, about 10,000 cases of Toxocara infection are reported in humans each year, and nearly 14% of the US population is infected. In the United Kingdom, 24% of soil samples taken from public parks contain eggs T. canis . Untreated untreated ococariasis can cause retinal damage and decreased vision. Dog dung can also contain hookworms that cause migration of skin larvae in humans.

    Health benefits for humans

    Scientific evidence is mixed as to whether dog friendship can improve human physical health and psychological well-being. Studies show that there are benefits to physical health and psychological wellbeing have been criticized for being poorly controlled, and found that "parental health is related to their health habits and social support but not to their ownership, or attachment to, animal companions." has previously shown that people who keep pet or cat dogs show better mental and physical health than those who do not, make fewer visits to doctors and tend to take less medication than non-carers.

    A 2005 paper states "recent research has failed to support previous findings that pet ownership is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, reduced use of general practitioner services, or psychological or physical health benefits to people living with older people. However, it showed significantly fewer absenteeism from school through illness among children living with pets. "In one study, new guardians reported a very significant reduction in mild health problems during the first month after pet acquisition, and this effect sustained on those who have dogs until the end of the study.

    In addition, people with pet dogs take more physical exercise than those with cats and those who do not have pets. The results provide evidence that keeping a pet can have a positive effect on human health and behavior, and that for dog keepers, this effect is relatively long term. The pet guardianship is also associated with increased survival of coronary heart disease, with human guardians significantly less likely to die within one year of acute myocardial infarction than those who do not have dogs.

    The health benefits of dogs can result from contact with dogs in general, and not only have dogs as pets. For example, when there are pet dogs, people show a decrease in cardiovascular, behavioral, and psychological anxiety indicators. Other health benefits are derived from exposure to immune-stimulating microorganisms, which, according to the hygiene hypothesis, may protect against allergies and autoimmune diseases. The benefits of contact with dogs also include social support, as dogs can not only provide their own social and friendship support, but also act as facilitators of social interaction among humans. One study shows that wheelchair users experience more positive social interactions with strangers when they are accompanied by dogs than when they are not. In 2015, a study found that pet owners were significantly more likely to get to know people in their neighborhood than non-pet owners.

    The practice of using dogs and other animals as part of therapy began at the end of the 18th century, when animals were introduced to mental institutions to help socialize patients with mental disorders. Animal-assisted intervention studies have shown that animal-aided therapy with dogs can improve social behavior, such as smiling and laughing, among people with Alzheimer's disease. One study showed that children with ADHD and behavioral disorders who participated in educational programs with dogs and other animals showed increased attendance, increased knowledge and skills goals, and decreased antisocial and violent behavior compared with those not in animal support programs.


    Every year, between 6 and 8 million dogs and cats enter the US shelter. The Humanist Society of the United States (HSUS) estimates that about 3 to 4 million of these dogs and cats are euthanized each year in the United States. However, the percentage of dogs in US animal shelters that were eventually adopted and excluded from shelters by their new legitimate owners has increased since the mid-1990s from about 25% to an average of 40% between reporting shelters (with many reporting 60-75% shelter).

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    Cultural depictions

    Dogs have been seen and represented in different manners by different cultures and religions, during the course of history.


    In ancient Mesopotamia, from the Babylonic Lama to Neo-Babylon period, dogs were a symbol of Ninisina, the goddess of healing and medicine, and his worshipers often dedicate a small model of the dog sitting to him. In the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian periods, dogs are used as symbols of magical protection.

    In mythology, dogs often act as pets or as overseers. Dog stories that guard underground gates reappear throughout Indo-European mythology and probably derived from the Proto-Indo-European religion. In Greek mythology, Cerberus is a three-headed supervisor guarding the gates of Hades. In Norse mythology, a four-eyed, bloody dog ​​called Garmr guards Helheim. In Persian mythology, two four-eyed dogs guard the Chinvat Bridge. In Welsh mythology, Annwn is guarded by C? N Annwn. In Hindu mythology, Yama, the god of death, has two guard dogs that have four eyes. They are said to be watching the Naraka gate.

    The Muthappan hunter god of the North Malabar region of Kerala has a hunting dog as his mount. Dogs are found inside and out of the Muthappan Temple and the offerings at the temple take the form of bronze dog sculptures. In Philippine mythology, Kimat which is a Tadaklan pet, the god of thunder, is responsible for thunder. The role of dog in Chinese mythology includes position as one of twelve animals that cycle yearly (zodiac dog).


    In Homer's epic poem Odyssey , when Odysseus disguised home after 20 years he was only recognized by his loyal dog, Argos, who had been waiting for his return.


    In Christianity, dogs represent loyalty. In Roman Catholic denominations in particular, the iconography of Saint Dominic includes a dog, after the monk's mother had a dream about a dog emerging from her womb and becoming pregnant shortly thereafter. Thus, the Dominican Order (Ecclesiastical Latin: Dominicanus ) means "God's dog" of "God's dogs" (Ecclesiastical Latin: domini canis). In Christian folklore, grim churches often take the form of black dogs to keep Christian churches and their churches out of defamation.

    Jewish law does not prohibit the maintenance of dogs and other pets. Jewish law requires that Jews feed dogs (and other animals they have) in their presence, and make arrangements to feed them before getting them.

    The view of dogs in Islam varies, with some schools of thought seeing it as unclean, although Khaled Abou El Fadl states that this view is based on "pre-Islamic Arabic mythology" and "a tradition mistakenly associated with the Prophet". Therefore, Sunaki and Hanafi Sunni law experts allow the trade and maintenance of dogs as pets.

    In China, Korea, and Japan, dogs are seen as good protectors.


    The depiction of a dog culture in art extends thousands of years to when the dog is depicted on the cave wall. The representation of dogs becomes more complicated when individual breeds evolve and the relationship between humans and dogs develops. The hunting scene was very popular in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Dogs depicted symbolize guidance, protection, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, attention, and love.

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    See also


    • List of fictional dogs
    • List of individual dogs

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    • MiklÃÆ'³si, AdÃÆ'¡m (2007). Dog Behavior, Evolution, and Cognition . Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof: oso/9780199295852.001.0001. ISBN: 978-0-19-929585-2.

    Find Adoptable Dogs | Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of ...

    Further reading

    • De Vito, Dominique (March 1995). World Atlas of Dog Breeds (Hardcover) (6th ed.). Neptune City, NJ Lanham, MD: TFH Publications, Inc. p. 960 pages. ISBN: 0793806569.
    • Wilcox, Bonnie; Walkowicz, Chris (March 1995). World Dog Seed Atlas (Print) (5th ed.). Neptune City, NJ Lanham, MD: TFH Publications, Inc. Distributing in the US to Bookstores and trade libraries by the National Book Network. p.Ã, 912. ISBNÃ, 0793812844.

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    External links

    • Biodiversity Heritage Library bibliography for Canis lupus familiaris
    • FÃÆ' Â © dation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) - World Canine Organization
    • Dogs in the Ancient World, an article on dog history
    • See the dog genome in Ensembl

    Source of the article : Wikipedia
