Amelia Elizabeth Dyer (nÃÆ' à © e Hobley ; 1837 - June 10, 1896) is one of the most prolific serial killers in history, killing babies in their care for 20- British Victoria. Trained as a nurse, and widowed in 1869, he switched to baby farming - the practice of adopting unwanted babies in exchange for money - to support himself. He initially nurtured children legally, in addition to possessing two of his own, but whether intentionally or not, some of them died in his care, leading to a belief due to the omission and hard work of six months. He then started directly killing the children he "adopted", choked at least some of them, and threw the corpse to avoid attention. Mentally unstable, he committed himself to several mental hospitals throughout his life, despite suspicion of pretense, and survived at least one serious suicide attempt.
The fall of Dyer came when the corpse bagged by a baby was found on the Thames River, with evidence leading to it. He was arrested on April 4, 1896, on trial for the murder of Doris Marmon's baby, and hanged on June 10, 1896. At the time of his death, several murders were linked to him, but there was little doubt he was responsible for many more similar deaths - perhaps 400 or more.
Dubbed "Ogress of Reading", he inspired popular ballads, and his case led to strict laws to adopt.
Video Amelia Dyer
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Amelia Dyer was born the youngest of five (with three brothers, Thomas, James and William, and a sister, Ann) in the small village of Pyle Marsh, east of Bristol (now part of the urban urban of Bristol known as Pile Marsh), the daughter of a maker main shoe, Samuel Hobley, and Sarah Hobley nÃÆ'à © e Weymouth. He learned to read and write and to develop a love for literature and poetry. However, his childhood was damaged by his mother's mental illness, caused by typhus. Amelia witnessed her mother's violence and had to take care of her until she died, babbling, in 1848. The researchers then commented on this effect on Dyer, as well as what Dyer would teach about the signs shown by those who seemed to lose mind of illness.
Dyer has an older sister, Sarah Ann who died in 1841, aged 6 years and a younger sister also named Sarah Ann who died in 1845, a few months old. The older cousin had an illegitimate daughter at the time who was later accepted as the daughters of Dyer's grandparents, aunts and uncles, William and Martha Hobley.
After the death of his mother, Amelia stayed with an aunt in Bristol for a while, before serving an internship with a corset maker. His father died in 1859. His eldest brother, Thomas, inherited the family shoe business. In 1861, at the age of 24, Amelia became permanently alienated from at least one of her brothers, James, and moved to an inn on Trinity Street, Bristol. There he married George Thomas. George is 59 years old and they both lie about their age in marriage licenses to reduce age differences. George is reduced 11 years of age and Amelia adds 6 years to his age - many sources then report this age as fact, causing a lot of confusion.
Maps Amelia Dyer
After marrying George Thomas, Dyer was trained as a nurse. From contact with a midwife, Ellen Dane, she learns about an easier way to earn a living - using her own home to provide shelter for young women who have been unlawfully pregnant and then cultivate babies for adoption or let them die due to neglect and malnutrition. (Ellen Dane was forced to disperse to the United States, shortly after meeting Amelia, to escape the authorities' attention.) Unmarried mothers in Victorian England often struggled to earn income, since the Lack of 1834 Amendment Act eliminating the financial obligations of fathers of illegitimate children, while raising their children in a society where single parents and illegitimate children are stigmatized. This leads to infant farming practices in which the individual acts as an adoption or coaching agent, in return for a regular payment or a single cost in advance of the baby's mother. Many businesses were set up to take these young women and take care of them until they gave birth. The mothers then leave their unwanted babies to be treated as "nursery children".
The state of the parents involved is often used for financial gain: if a baby has a parent who is able to maintain the confidentiality of birth, a single charge may be £ 80. Ã, à £ 50 may be negotiated if the father of the child wants to close his involvement. However, it is more common for young, hopeful women to be poor. Women like that will cost you around Ã, à £ 5.
Unscrupulous caregivers are forced to starve in raised babies, to save money and even to speed up death. Noisy or demanding infants can be sedated with alcohol and/or opiates that are readily available. Godfrey's Cordial - known colloquially as "Mother's Friend", (opium-containing syrup) - is a frequent choice, but there are other similar preparations. Many children die from such dubious practices: "Opium kills more babies through hunger than directly through overdose." Dr. Greenhow, which investigates the Advisory Board, notes how children "remain in a state of continuous narcotics will thus be encouraged for food, and yet given imperfect food." Deaths due to severe malnutrition will occur, but coronary possibility of recording death as " 'weakness from birth,' or 'lack of milk', or just 'starving'. '
This is the world open to him by Ellen Dane who has now gone. Dyer had to leave nursing with the birth of a daughter, Ellen Thomas. In 1869, George Thomas's parents died and Amelia needed income.
Dyer apparently wants to make money from baby farming, and along with taking a pregnant woman, she will advertise for breastfeeding and adopt a baby, in return for considerable pay and enough clothing for the child. In his advertisements and meetings with clients, he assures them that he is honored and married, and that he will provide a safe and loving home for the boy.
In 1872, Amelia married William Dyer, a brewer from Bristol. They have two children together: Mary Ann, also known as Polly, and William Samuel. Amelia finally leaves her husband.
At some point in his baby farming career, Dyer is ready to sacrifice the costs and inconvenience of letting children die of neglect and starvation; immediately after receiving each child, he kills him, allowing him to pocket most or all of his costs.
For some time, Dyer avoided police interest. He was finally caught in 1879 after a doctor was suspicious about the number of child deaths he had called for certification in the care of Dyer. However, instead of being convicted of murder or ordinary murder, he was sentenced to six months of hard work for being abandoned. The experience is allegedly almost devastating to his mentality, though others expressed distrust over the leniency of the sentence when compared to those who were punished for lesser crimes at the time.
After his release, he attempted to continue his nursing career. He has a mantra in a mental hospital for alleged mental instability and suicidal tendencies; this always coincides with the times when he feels comfortable to "disappear". Being a former Dyer asylum nurse knows how to behave to ensure a relatively comfortable existence as an inmate. Dyer seems to start abusing alcohol and opium-based products early in his career in murder; his mental instability may be related to his substance abuse. In 1890, Dyer took care of an unauthorized baby from a nanny. When he returned to visit the boy, the nurse immediately suspected and stripped the baby to see if there was a birthmark on one of his hips. No, and the prolonged suspicion by the authorities caused Dyer to own, or pretend, a nuisance. Dyer at one point drank two laudanum bottles in a serious suicide attempt, but his long-term persecution had built his tolerance for opium products, so he survived.
He went back to the infant ranch, and murder. Dyer realized the stupidity involved doctors to issue death certificates and start throwing away his own corpses. The erratic nature and extent of his activity once again encourage unwanted attention; he was wary of police attention - and parents looking to reclaim their children. He and his family often move to different towns and cities to avoid suspicion, regain anonymity - and to gain new business. Over the years, Dyer uses an alias succession.
In 1893, Dyer was dismissed from his last commitment at Somerset and Bath Lunatic Asylum near Wells. Unlike previous "damage", this was the most unpleasant experience, and he never entered another asylum. Two years later, Dyer moved to Caversham, Berkshire, accompanied by an unsuspecting colleague, Jane "Grandma" Smith, whom Dyer had recruited from a short spell at the social house and daughter and daughter-in-law Dyer, Mary Ann (known as Polly) and Arthur Palmer. This was followed by a move to 45 Kensington Road, Reading, Berkshire in the same year. Smith was persuaded by Dyer to be called a 'mother' in front of innocent women who surrendered their children. This is an attempt to present a caring mother-child image.
Case study: Doris Marmon's murder
In January 1896, Evelina Marmon, a famous 25-year-old barmaid, gave birth to an illegitimate daughter, Doris, in a boarding house in Cheltenham. He immediately sought an adoption offer, and placed an ad in the "Other" section of the Bristol Times & amp; Mirror newspaper. It just says: "Wanted, honorable lady to take the young." Marmon intends to return to work and hopes to finally reclaim his son.
Incidentally, beside him, is read the ad: "Married couples without families will adopt a healthy child, a good country house. Terms, Ã, à £ 10". Marmon replied, to a "Mrs. Harding", and a few days later she received a reply from Dyer. From Oxford Road in Reading, "Mrs. Harding" writes that "I should be happy to have a little baby girl, whom I can call and call myself." He continued: "We are ordinary people, simple, in good enough circumstances I do not want children for the sake of money, but for the comfort of the company and the house... I and my husband are very fond of children I do not have my child A child with me will have a good home and a mother's love. "
Evelina Marmon wanted to pay a more affordable weekly fee for her daughter's treatment, but "Madam Harding" insisted on being paid one time in advance. Marmon was in trouble, so reluctantly he agreed to pay £ 10, and a week later "Mrs Harding" arrived at Cheltenham.
Marmon is apparently shocked by Dyer's old age and a burly appearance, and Dyer is very fond of Doris. Evelina hands over her daughter, a cardboard box full of clothes, and à £ 10. Still sad about having to give up care for her daughter, Evelina accompanies Dyer to Cheltenham station, and then to Gloucester. He returned to his home "a broken woman". A few days later, he received a letter from "Mrs. Harding" saying that everything was fine; Marmon retaliated, but did not receive a reply.
Dyer did not make the trip to Reading, as he told Marmon. He even went to 76 Mayo Road, Willesden, London where his 23-year-old daughter Polly lived. There, Dyer quickly found the white tape used for sewing, wrapped it around twice around the baby's neck and tied the knot. Death will not happen soon. Dyer then said, "I used to watch them with plaster around their necks, but it's all over with them."
Both women allegedly helped wrap the body with a napkin. They keep some clothes that have been packed by Marmon; the rest is destined for pawnshops. Dyer paid rent to an unknowable landlord, and gave her a pair of child shoes as a gift for her little girl. The next day, Wednesday 1 April 1896, another child, named Harry Simmons, was taken to Mayo Road. However, without the white bandage available, the length around Doris's corpse was removed and used to strangle the 13-month-old boy.
On April 2, the two bodies were piled into a carpet bag, along with bricks to add weight. Dyer then headed for Reading. In a remote place he knew well near the weir at Caversham Lock, he forced the carpet bag over the fence into the River Thames.
Dyer surprise
The discovery of the corpse
Unknown to Dyer, on March 30, 1896, a package was taken from the River Thames in Reading by an antidote. The dumped Dyer package is not given enough weight, and is easy to see. It contained a baby girl's body, later identified as Helena Fry. In the small detective squad available for Reading Borough Police, Detective Constable Anderson made the important breakthrough. As well as finding a label from Temple Meads station, Bristol, he used microscopic analysis of wrapping paper, and broke the vague-readable name - Mrs. Thomas - and an address.
This evidence is enough to lead the police to Dyer, but they still have no solid evidence to link it directly with serious crimes. Additional evidence they collected from witnesses, and information obtained from Bristol police, only served to raise their concerns, and D.C. Anderson, with Sgt. James, puts Dyer's home under surveillance. Intelligence further suggested that Dyer would run away if he became suspicious. The officers decided to use young women as bait, hoping he would be able to secure a meeting with Dyer to discuss his services. It may be designed to help detectives connect Dyer with their business activities, or maybe just give them a reliable chance to catch it.
It was revealed that Dyer was expecting his new client (bait) to call, but instead he found a detective waiting in front of his door. On April 3 (Good Friday), police raided his home. They are apparently startled by the smell of human decomposition, although no human remains are found. However, there are many other related evidence, including white edge ribbons, telegram-related adoption arrangements, pawn tickets for children's clothing, receipts for advertisements and letters from mothers who ask about the welfare of their children.
The police calculated that in the preceding few months alone, at least twenty children had been placed in the care of "Mrs. Thomas", now known as Amelia Dyer. It also seemed that she would move again, this time to Somerset. This rate of murder has led to some estimates that Mrs. Dyer may, for decades, have killed more than 400 babies and children, making her one of the most prolific killers ever.
Dyer was arrested on April 4 and charged with murder. His son-in-law Arthur Palmer was charged as an accessory. During April, the Thames River was dredged and six more bodies were found, including Doris Marmon and Harry Simmons - Dyer's last victim. Every baby has been strangled with a white ribbon, which he then tells the police "is how you can know that it is mine". Eleven days after handing her daughter over to Dyer, Evelina Marmon, whose name appears in items kept by Dyer, identifies her daughter's body.
Checking and testing
On examination of the deaths in early May, no evidence was found that Mary Ann or Arthur Palmer acted as Dyer's accomplice. Arthur Palmer was fired as a result of a confession written by Amelia Dyer. In Reading Gaol, he writes (with spelled and self-preserved punctuation):
Master would you be happy to give me help to present this to the judges on Saturday the 18th I have made this statement, because I may not have a chance then I must free my mind I know and I feel my day is given this earth number but I feel it is a terrible thing that attracts innocent people into a problem that I know that I must answer before my Creator in Heaven for the terrible crime I have committed but as Almighty God is my judge in Heaven on the Hearth I'm not my daughter Mary Ann Palmer or her husband Alfred Ernest Palmer I do sincerely state that none of them has anything to do with it, they never know I'm contemplating doing evil until it's too late talking about the truth and nothing but the truth when I am worthy ap to be forgiven, myself and myself have to stand before my Creator in Heaven to give an answer because everyone witnessed my hand Amelia Dyer.
On May 22, 1896, Dyer appeared in the Old Bailey (Criminal Court) and pleaded guilty to one murder, namely Doris Marmon. His family and colleagues testified at the trial that they had become increasingly suspicious and uncomfortable with his activities, and it appeared that Dyer had escaped discovery on several occasions. Evidence from a man who has seen and talked to Dyer when he has thrown two bodies at Caversham Lock has also proved significant. Her daughter has provided graphical evidence that ensures Dyer's confidence.
The only defense Dyer offered was madness: he had twice committed to seeking refuge in Bristol. However, the prosecution succeeded in stating that the exhibition of its mental instability was a way of avoiding suspicion; the two committees are said to coincide with moments when Dyer fears his crime may have been exposed.
It only took four and a half minutes to find him guilty. Within 3 weeks in a cursed cell, he filled out five exercise books with his "last and only acknowledgment". Visiting the night before execution by the pastor and asking if he had anything to confess, he offered him his practice books, saying, "is not this enough?" Surprisingly, he was summoned to appear as a witness in Polly's trial for the murder, set to a week after his own execution date. However, it was decided that Dyer was legally dead after being sentenced and therefore his evidence would be unacceptable. Thus, the execution is not delayed. On the night of his execution, Dyer hears that the allegations against Polly have been canceled. He was hanged by James Billington at Newgate Jail on Wednesday, June 10, 1896. Asked about the scaffolding if he had anything to say, he said, "I can not say anything", just before it was dropped at 9 am.
Next development
It is not certain how many more children Amelia Dyer was murdered. However, questions from mothers, evidence from other witnesses, and material found at Dyer's home, including letters and lots of baby clothes, show even more.
The Dyer case caused a scandal. He is known as "Ogress of Reading", and he inspired popular ballads:
An old farmer baby, poor Miss Dyer At Old Bailey, his wages are paid In the past, we 'made' big fy-er And it is very well roasted until evil old jade.
Furthermore, the adoption law is made more stringent, authorizing local authorities to monitor baby farms in the hope of paralyzing harassment. Nonetheless and the observation of personal ads of newspapers, trafficking and baby abuse does not stop. Two years after Dyer's execution, the railroad workers who checked the carriages in Newton Abbot, Devon, found the parcel. Inside was a three-week-old girl, but, although cold and wet, she was still alive. The daughter of a widow, Jane Hill, her baby has been given to Mrs. Stewart, for £ 12. He has taken his baby in Plymouth - and seems to throw it on the next train. It has been claimed that "Mrs. Stewart" is Polly, daughter of Amelia Dyer.
Victim identification
- Doris Marmon, 4 months old
- Harry Simmons, 13 months old
- Helena Fry, Age unknown, 1 year old or less
Jack the Ripper speculation
Since he was a murderer who lived during the Jack the Ripper murder, some people say that Dyer is Jack the Ripper, who kills prostitutes through unsuccessful abortions. This suggestion was put forward by writer William Stewart, though he prefers Mary Pearcey as his preferred suspect. There was, however, no evidence to link Dyer to Jack the Ripper's murder.
See also
- Amelia Sach and Annie Walters
- Dagmar Overbye
- John and Sarah Makin
- Minnie Dean
- Frances Lydia Alice Knorr
- The death penalty in England
- infanticide in New Zealand in the 19th century
- Daily Mail , "Baby butcher: One of the most evil murders in Britain in England". (Review of Vale & amp; Rattle biography Amelia Dyer: Angel Maker ).
- Rose, Lionel (1986). Innocents Family Massacre , Routledge, p.Ã, 160 ISBNÃ, 978-0-7102-0339-7
- "'Baby Farming' - a Victorian tragedy.".
- Vale, Allison; Alison Rattle (2007). Amelia Dyer: Angel Creator . Andre Deutsch. ISBN 978-0-233-00224-8
- James, Mike (ed.) (1994). Murder Side Book Press Forum/True Crime Library. ISBNÃ, 1-874358-07-9
Source of the article : Wikipedia