Kamis, 28 Juni 2018

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The Nerva-Antonine Dynasty was a dynasty of seven Roman Emperors who ruled over the Roman Empire from 96 AD to 192 AD. This emperor was Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Lucius Verus, Marcus Aurelius, and Commodus.

The first five of the six successions in this dynasty are important because the ruling Emperor adopted the candidate of his choice to be his successor. Under Roman law, adoption forms a legally strong bond of kinship. Because of this, all but the first and last of the Emperor Nerva-Antonine are called Adoptive Emperors .

The importance of formal adoption in Roman society is often regarded as a conscious rejection of the principle of dynastic inheritance and has been regarded as one of the factors of period prosperity. However, this is not a new practice. It was common for the patrician family to adopt, and the Roman emperor had adopted the heirs of the past: Caesar Augustus had adopted Tiberius and Emperor Claudius had adopted Nero. Julius Caesar, the perpetuo dictator and considered instrumental in the transition from Republican to Empire, adopted Gaius Octavius, who would become Augustus, the first emperor of Rome. In addition, there is a family relationship because Trajan adopted his first cousin after being appointed and a great niece by marriage Hadrian and Hadrian made half his nephew by marriage and heir Antonine Pius adopted both Hadrian's cousins ​​three times removed and half a nephew by marriage Marcus Aurelius, also Antoninus's nephew by marriage, and the son of his original planned successor, Lucius Verus. Naming by Marcus Aurelius from his son Commodus is considered to be an unfortunate choice and the beginning of the Empire's decline.

With the killing of Commodus in 192, the Nerva-Antonine dynasty ended; followed by a turbulent period known as the Emperor's Five Years.

Video Nerva-Antonine dynasty


Dinasti Nerva-Trajan

Nerva was the first of the dynasties. Despite his short reign, he saw a partial reconciliation between the army, the Senate and the commoners. Nerva adopted as her son, the famous military leader, Trajan. In turn, Hadrian replaces Trajan; he was the last heir to suspect and admit that he had been adopted by him in Trajan's deathbed.

Antonine Dynasty

The Antonines were the four Roman Emperors who ruled between 138 and 192: Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Lucius Verus and Commodus.

In 138, after a long reign dedicated to cultural unification and the consolidation of the empire, Emperor Hadrian was named Antoninus Pius his son and heir, under the condition that he adopted both Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus. Hadrian died in the same year, and Antoninus began a peaceful and benevolent government. He clung to Roman traditions and institutions and divided his power with the Roman Senate.

Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus succeeded Antonius Pius in 161 after the emperor's death, and reigned until Verus's death in 169. Marcus continued Antonine's legacy after Verus's death as a modest and talented administrator and leader. He died at 180 and was followed by his biological son, Commodus.

Maps Nerva-Antonine dynasty

The Five Good Emperors

The rulers commonly known as the "b b> the Five Good Emperors" are Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius. The term was coined by what political philosopher NiccolÃÆ'² Machiavelli had said in 1503:

From this study of history we can also learn how good governance should be established; because while all the emperors who succeeded to ascend the throne due to birth, except Titus, are bad, everything is fine that succeeds with adoption, as in the case of five from Nerva to Marcus. But as soon as the empire falls once more to the heirs through birth, its destruction occurs again.

Machiavelli argues that this adopted emperor, through good rules, earns the respect of those around them:

Titus, Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus, and Marcus do not need pretetorian colleagues, or from countless legions to look after them, but are defended by their own good lives, the goodwill of their people, and the attachment of the senate.

The 18th-century historian Edward Gibbon, in his work The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, argues that their rule was a time when "the Roman Empire was governed by absolute power, under the guidance of wisdom and virtue." Gibbon believes that the benevolent dictators and their moderate policies are unusual and contrary to their more oppressive and oppressive substitutes.

Gibbon goes as far as to state:

If a man is called to restore a period in the history of the world in which the condition of the most happy and prosperous human race, he will, without hesitation, mention what happened from Domitian's death to Commodus accession. The extent of the Roman Empire was ruled by absolute power, under the guidance of virtue and wisdom. The force was restrained by a strong but gentle hand of four successive emperors, whose character and dignity commanded reverence. The forms of civic administration were carefully preserved by Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian and Antonin, who were pleased with the image of freedom, and were pleased to regard themselves as responsible law ministers. Such princes deserve the honor of restoring the republic, if the Romans of their day were able to enjoy rational freedom.

At the time of writing, the idea of ​​enlightened absolutism was widely accepted in many European countries.

Alternative hypothesis

This hypothesis holds that the adoption succession is considered to have arisen due to the lack of biological heirs. All but the last of the lifting emperors had no legitimate biological children to replace them. Thus they are obliged to choose a replacement elsewhere; as soon as the Emperor can look towards the biological son to succeed him, the adoption succession is set aside.

This dynasty may be split into Nerva-Trajan dynasty (also called Ulpia dynasty after nisti norse Gentile 'Ulpius') and the Antonine dynasty (after their common name Antoninus).

Jewish viewpoint

The concept of "The Five Good Emperors" reflects the internal Roman viewpoint. Regarding their treatment of Roman citizens, these five Emperors obviously looked better than the other Emperors - in particular, better than Domitians who immediately preceded them and Commodus who immediately followed them - and this view was taken by Europeans later, utilizing historical sources Roman. Nevertheless, this is not always the provincial viewpoint and Rome's neighbors - in particular, from those who are targeted by one or more of these emperors in the war of conquest or in the suppression of rebellion.

In many cases, different points of view leave no records; for example, there is no living historical source that records the opinion of the Dacians about the Trajan who conquered them. However, in the case of the Jews, who suffered greatly from the suppression of Bar Kokhba's rebellion by Hadrian, there is a great deal of Rabbinic literature that offers a very different perspective from Roman historiography. While the Roman view brings together Hadrian and Antoninus Pius together among the Five Good Emperors, the Jews tend to distinguish the Bad Hadrian with the Good Antoninus. When the Jewish sources mention Hadrian it is always with the tombstone "may its bones crumble" (??????? or ???? ,? Aramaic equivalent), an expression that is never used even with respect to Vespasian or Titus, who destroyed the Second Temple; on the contrary, Antoninus Pius is positively remembered in the Jewish tradition, for having repaired many of the Jews and abolished many of the hard decisions Hadrian gave them.

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src: c8.alamy.com

Nerva-Antonine family tree

Note: Marcus Aurelius reigned with Lucius Verus from 161 until Verus's death in 169.

Imperial Stemmata
src: people.ucalgary.ca


Source of the article : Wikipedia
