Kamis, 12 Juli 2018

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10 Steps Your Software Implementation Should Have | LISO BLOG
src: lisoblog.com

Phased implementation is a strategy of applying innovation (ie, information systems, new technologies, processes, etc.) in an organization gradually, so that different parts of the organization are implemented in different time slots. Other concepts used are: gradual implementation, gradual conversion, gradual approach, gradual strategy, gradual introduction, and phased conversion.

Video Phased adoption


Information Technology has revolutionized the workings of the organization (Eason, 1988). With the introduction of high-tech Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Content Management Systems (CMS), Customer and Supplier Relation Management Systems (CRM and SRM), there is a task to implement these systems in organizations that will use them. The following entries will discuss only a small part of what to do or can do when implementing such a system within the organization.

The gradual approach takes conversion one step at a time. Its implementation requires a well-thought-out scenario to start using the new system. And on every milestone that should be instructed to employees and other users. The old system is taken over by the new system in the steps that have been determined until it is truly abundant. The actual installation of the new system will be done in several ways, per module or per product and some examples can be done. This can be done by introducing some system functionality before the break or by introducing some functionality to a particular user before introducing it to all users. This gives users time to address changes caused by the system.

It is common to organize implementation teams that move from department to department. By moving, the team learns and gains expertise and knowledge, so each subsequent implementation will be much faster than the first.

Maps Phased adoption

Data Process Diagram

The visualization technique used in this entry is a technique developed by the O & I I group of Utrecht University (Weerd, 2005). This technique is described in the following Wiki: Meta-modeling techniques.

As can be seen in Figure 1, the gradual adoption has a loop in it. Every department connected to the system will go through the same process. Firstly based on the security level of the previous training sessions set (see ITIL) In this way each unique user has his own profile explaining which parts of the system are visible and/or usable for a particular user. Then documents and policies are documented. All processes and procedures are described in the process description, either on paper or on the intranet. Then the actual conversion is depicted. As explained in the text above, certain departments and or parts of an organization can be implemented in different time slots. In Figure 1 illustrated by implementing an additional module or even a total product. HRM requires different modules of the ERP system than Finance (modules) or Finance may require additional accounting software packages (Products). Tuning system occurs to solve existing problems. After a certain department has been converted, the loop is restarted, and other departments or groups of users can be conversed. If all departments or parts of the organization are discussed and the system is actually implemented, the system is officially sent to the organization and the implementing team can be dissolved.

Gradual implementation allows to introduce ready modules while programming other future modules. This makes implementation scenarios more critical, as certain modules depend on each other. Project Management Techniques can be adopted to address this problem. See the technical section below.

However, the actual implementation of the system by the user can become more problematic. This system works well but if it is not used it is useless. Users base their attitude toward the system on their first experience (Eason, 1988). Because this creates extra weights in the first interaction, the implementer should be concerned with making the first interaction especially enjoyable.

In the techniques used in this entry each CONCEPT requires a precise definition which is preferably copied from the standard glossary to which the source is given, if applicable. All CONCEPT names in the text are in capital letters. In Table 1 a list of concept definitions is presented.

Table 1: Concept Diagram

Business Development Training for Winning Teams & Outcomes
src: www.mbdi.com

The advantages, disadvantages and risks of Phased Adoption

The gradual adoption method has certain pros, cons, and risks (Koop, R., Rooimans, R. & Theye, M. de (2003), Eason (1988))


  • Conversions will be made in sections. Time available for customization
  • Negative effects that appear at the beginning are less important
  • The 'chasing' period is not required.
  • Time for users to adapt longer
  • Technical staff can concentrate on parts of the system or some users.


  • Some adjustments are required
  • Training sessions are confusing to users because they are required to work with new and old systems
  • Some changes in the documentation
  • Project duration
  • Milestone delivery system is not clear
  • The accuracy and completeness of the dataset should be checked several times
  • A 'backward' to the old system becomes more difficult every new phase.
  • Its implementation may seem unclear to employees and other users.


  • Complexity of implementation
  • Prone to making mistakes
  • Falling back is not possible in the next phase

SAP Activate â€
src: blogs.sap.com

Installation of hardware and software

The following sections are in addition to entry on adoption (software implementation) and specifically for phased adoption:

The configuration and hardware specifications in place used by legacy systems and for running new systems are delivered in hardware specifications. The hardware configuration is tested to make sure it is working properly. This is reported in the hardware configuration report. Configuration and software specifications in place, that is, new legacy systems and systems in the future are made clear to ensure proper functioning once the system is installed. The act of determining which system is installed is the key to implementation. Which parts or even the total system will be taken over by the new system? All of these are reported in software installations and software test reports. The installation of the new system software is actually also done here in a limited area to support the training sessions described in the following sections.

Eliciting, Collecting, and Developing Requirements | The MITRE ...
src: www.mitre.org


System training will teach the user the keystrokes and transactions required to run the system (Umble, 2003). The pilot trains the system and tests the user's understanding of the system. The project team creates a test case business case framework that takes business processes from scratch, when customer orders are received, to the end, when customer orders are shipped. Such training is not sufficient to adopt an information system. Users have learning needs (Eason, 1988). Known learning needs are emotional guidance. Users need to make emotional steps to make cognitive steps. If they are afraid of the system because of the difficult handling they may not be able to understand the cognitive steps needed to successfully perform the task.

Team-Based Matrix Restructuring Process | Matrix Management Institute
src: matrixmanagementinstitute.com


In the field of implementation several techniques are used. The well-known method, and specifically oriented to the field of implementation, is the Regatta method by Sogeti. Another technique is the SAP Implementation method, which is customized to implement SAP systems. The system is installed in several different ways. Different organizations may have their own method, When applying the system, it is considered a project and thus should be handled as such. Famous theories and methods are used in the field such as the PRINCE2 method with all the underlying techniques, such as PERT diagrams, Gantt diagrams and critical path methods.

Advanced MMICs Aid in Reducing Size and Power in Phased Array ...
src: www.acetec.com


Implementation of EMR at University Physicians Group (UPG) at Staten Island and Brooklyn, New York.

The University Physicians Group in New York went with a complete technical installation of the EMR (Electronic Medical Record) software package. UPG found that some EMR package vendors recommended deployments to be performed all-in-one, also called Big Bang. But they found that Big Bang would make doctors and staff overwhelmed by the following factors:

  • The ongoing workload during the main lesson prevents them from fully watching.
  • The urgent need to complete multiple records causes the user to go back to the old system
  • Information overload on the doctor's side.
  • There is no time to play around with the system.
  • 100% availability is not guaranteed by the vendor.

Thus they choose a phased approach: " Therefore, gradual adoption to us, offers the greatest opportunity for success, staff adoption, and opportunities for expected returns on investment once the system is fully adopted." (J Hyman, MD)

There are also groups that are somewhat reluctant about any new system. By introducing systems to certain early adopters (Rogers, 1995) the final majority will be familiar with the system. As it is introduced gradually through the organization. Per loop (see figure 5, A) UPG is introduced to the system.

JMIR-Accelerating Digital Mental Health Research From Early Design ...
src: asset.jmir.pub

See also

  • Regatta method by Sogeti
  • Parallel deployment
  • ERP
  • SRM
  • CRM
  • Software package

Business Development Training for Winning Teams & Outcomes
src: www.mbdi.com


  • Cazemier, J.A., Overbeek, P.L., Peters, L.M. (2000). Security Management, Office Stationery.
  • Eason, K. (1988) Information Technology and Organizational Change. New York: Taylor and Francis
  • Gallivan, M.J., (1996) Stragies for implementing new software processes: Contingency framework evaluation, SIGCPR/SIGMIS '96, Denver Colorado
  • Koop, R., Rooimans, R & amp; Theye, M. de (2003): Regatta: ICT-implementatie and voor een vier-met-stuurman. The Hague, Netherlands: SDU Uitgevers
  • Rogers, E. M. (1995). Diffusion of innovation. New York: Free Press.
  • Rooimans, R., Theye, M. de, & amp; Koop, R. (2003). Regatta: ICT-implementatie and also voor een vier-met-stuurman. The Hague: Ten Hagen en Stam Uitgevers.
  • Umble, E.J., Haft, R.R., Umble, M.M., (2003) Enterprise resource planning: Implementation procedures and critical success factors, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 146, pp.Ã, 241-257
  • Weerd, I. (2005), WEM: Design Methods for CMS-based Web Implementation, computational information and science institute, utrecht university, technical report UU-CS-2005-043, Downloaded at: http://archive. cs.uu.nl/pub/RUU/CS/techreps/CS-2005/2005-043.pdf on 05-03-2006.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
