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United States Children's Bureau is a federal agency organized under the US Department of Health and Community Service Administration for Children and Families. Today, bureau operations involve increased prevention of child abuse, upbringing, and adoption. Historically, his work was much broader, as demonstrated by the 1912 actions that created and funded him:

"The Bureau should investigate and report to the [Department of Commerce and Labor] on all matters relating to the welfare of children and the lives of children among all classes of our people, and will primarily investigate infant mortality questions , birth rates, orphanages, juvenile courts, desertions, hazardous work, accidents and childhood diseases, employment, laws affecting children in some states and territories. "

During the peak of its influence, the Bureau was directed, managed, and managed almost entirely by women - a rare thing for every federal agent in the early 20th century. This is most influential in bringing reform-oriented social research methods and maternal reformist ideas to stick to the federal government's policies.

New Deal legislation, including the Fair Labor Standards Act and Child Support programs, incorporate many reforms that the Children's Bureau and its grassroots women's network have supported over the years. By the time the Children's Bureau was folded into the Social Security Administration in 1946, he began to take on more of his modern role.

Video United States Children's Bureau



Most accounts from the Children's Bureau refer to two women, Lillian Wald and Florence Kelley, who began discussing ideas around 1903. Their proposal (with colleagues) to President Theodore Roosevelt in 1905 reflected the increasingly increasing concern of the Progressive Era for social welfare issues. , as well as the influence of the settlement movement, of which both women are members.

Also in 1905, the newly formed National Child Labor Committee (NCLC) agreed to make the establishment of a federal children's bureau as its main legislative objective. The NCLC efforts are supported by women's groups such as the National Consumer League, the Federation of Women's Clubs, the National Mothers Congress, and the Daughters of the American Revolution. This proposal was also supported by the participants of the first White House Conference on Children and Youth in 1909.

The bill for the establishment of the Children's Bureau was adopted in 1912 after a lengthy legislative effort, and signed by President William Howard Taft on 9 April of that year. The Children's Bureau became the first national government office in the world to focus solely on the welfare of their children and mothers.

Taft appoints Julia Lathrop as the first Bureau chief. Lathrop, a renowned maternal reformist who was also active in the Settlement Movement, was the first woman ever to be the head of governmental agency in the United States.

At its founding, the bureau is part of the Ministry of Commerce and Labor; when the functions of the two departments were separated in 1913, it became part of the Department of Labor.


The Children's Bureau's first effort focuses on reducing infant mortality by determining how many babies are dying, through extended birth registration efforts, and understanding why so many babies die before their first birthday. The Bureau completed the birth registration campaign and conducted the study of infant mortality in 10 cities between 1914 and 1921. These studies show a strong relationship between poverty and infant mortality.

The Bureau's commitment to combating infant mortality resonates with the proliferation of "baby-savings" campaigns across the country today. The Bureau supports activities such as prenatal care, infant health clinics, visiting nurses, public sanitation, certified dairy stations, and mother education. It proclaimed the "Year of the Child" beginning April 6, 1918, to protect children from the lack of milk, food and public health nurses during World War I. As part of this effort, volunteers burdened and measured millions of children, producing standard publications age, height, and weight of the first nation.

In the first few years, the Children's Bureau published several pamphlets on prenatal, infant and child care. These little books are in great demand. In 1929, the Bureau estimated that the information in his pamphlet had benefited half of all US infants.

In 1914, Emma Octavia Lundberg became the first Director of the Social Services Division of the Children's Bureau.

Child labor became the focus of Children Bureau efforts starting around 1915. Between 1915 and 1930, the Bureau published 31 studies that examined the working conditions of children by visiting child workers at home and their workplaces. These studies help reveal the prevalence and nature of child labor in the United States.

In 1916, Congress passed the Keating-Owen Act, which discourages child labor. Congress assigns the Bureau of Children the responsibility for governing and enforcing this law. Chief Lathrop hired a renowned child labor reformer, Grace Abbott, to lead the newly formed Child Labor Division of the Bureau in April 1917; However, the law was short-lived. The United States Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional in June 1918.


In August 1921, Lathrop resigned as Chief, and Grace Abbott was appointed to replace him.

Children's Bureau plays a major role in the part and administration of the Sheppard-Towner Act. This law, adopted in 1921, authorizes the first federal grant for a state-of-the-art children's health program. Projects in most states include some or all of the following:

  • Midwife training, licensing and enforcement programs
  • Parental education through travel health demonstrations, health centers, home visits, correspondence courses, and classes
  • Establishment of standard and licensing procedures for maternity homes
  • Data collection on maternal and infant deaths

The program ended in 1929, after helping about 4 million babies and preschool children and about 700,000 pregnant women.

Maternal and infant care and child labor are the Bureau's primary focus during the first two decades. However, other research topics include juvenile delinquency, maternal help, unlawful, upbringing, and childhood illness. Especially:

  • In 1923, the committee appointed by the Children's Bureau set the first standard for effective juvenile justice.
  • A 1926 bulletin summarizing the current history and maternal assistance law helped lay the groundwork for the provision of Help for Children Dependent on the 1935 Social Security Act.
  • The 1920s saw an increasing focus on country and regional child welfare services. The Bureau published Foster-Home Care for Dependent Children in 1923.
  • The Children's Bureau conducts research on rickets, in partnership with Yale School of Medicine and New Haven, Connecticut, the Department of Health, which demonstrates the effectiveness of simple prevention methods.


During the early years of the Great Depression, under President Herbert Hoover, the Children's Bureau assisted the government's efforts to document family needs and local relief efforts. When Congress established the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) in May 1933, the Children's Bureau helped collect data for the agency to determine how the fund was allocated. The Bureau also works with FERA to establish a Child Health Recovery Program, providing emergency food and medical care for needy children.

In December 1934, Katherine Lenroot succeeded Abbot as Bureau Chief. He held this position until 1952. Lenroot, Martha May Eliot, and Grace Abbott worked together to create child-centered sections of the Social Security Bill President Franklin D. Roosevelt:

  • Help for Dependent Children provides federal matching grants for local and state maternity assistance programs.
  • Health and Child Health Care is funded by clinics, professional education, and medical care for children in need.
  • The Crippled Child Service makes a federal matching grant to help children with physical disabilities.
  • The Child Welfare Services provides state grants to meet the needs of neglected and neglected children.

When the Social Security Act was signed in 1935, the Children's Bureau was given the authority to manage the last three programs. (Aid for Dependent Children is managed by the newly established Social Security Council.) The Bureau grew from distributing $ 337,371 in 1930 to distributing nearly $ 11 million in grants by the end of the decade; his staff grew from 143 to over 400.

Meanwhile, the Children's Bureau remains active in campaigning against child labor. In 1933, the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) opened the door for the Bureau to produce special industry-specific labor codes and the first federal minimum age for full-time employment. NIRA was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in May 1935. However, many of its provisions were reinvented in the Fair Labor Standards Act that was passed three years later.


During World War II, the Children's Bureau continued to promote the welfare of US children through activities such as developing standards for child care for working mother's children and a campaign to focus on the physical and emotional needs of children during the war. Meanwhile, the Bureau is working with the US Committee for Caring for European Children to maintain a list of unaccompanying refugee children arriving in the United States, to oversee their placement with agencies and host families, and to set standards for their care.

Emergency Emergency Care and Emergency Care Program (EMIC) Bureau of the Child is provided for medical care, hospital, and care for wives and baby boys in the lowest four levels of the Armed Forces. At that time, EMIC was the largest federally funded medical care program ever undertaken in the United States, serving approximately 1.5 million women and infants between 1943 and 1949.

In 1946, the Children's Bureau folded into the Social Security Administration as part of a large-scale reorganization of the federal government. In this reorganization, the Bureau loses authority over all work-related programs. On September 4, 1951, Martha May Eliot became the fourth Chief of the Bureau.

In 1952, the Bureau established a Special Teen Juvenile Project with foundations and other private partners interested in improving the prevention and treatment of delinquency. The project sponsors public meetings and collaborates in a series of professional practice guides and standards. When the project ended in 1955, the Bureau's work in this area continued through the newly formed Delinquency Division of Adolescent Youth.

The grant aid program from the Children's Bureau has grown significantly within a decade after World War II:

  • In maternal and child health, growing emphasis is placed on preventing preterm delivery and maintaining the health of this fragile baby.
  • Program funded by the bureau helps develop treatment options to keep children with disabilities in their own families, schools and communities. The Disabled Children program extends its reach to help children with hearing impairment, cerebral palsy, gap ceilings, burns, epilepsy, congenital heart defects, and other defects.
  • Beginning in 1946, federal children's welfare funds began to support children in orphanages. At the same time, an increasing emphasis is placed on the provision of services, including housewife services, to help keep families together.


President Dwight D. Eisenhower named Katherine Oettinger the fifth Head of the Children's Bureau on May 17, 1957. Oettinger's ownership as Head (1957-1968) reflects an increasing emphasis on family preservation and strengthening. Under his direction, the Bureau also advocated greater protection for all parties in adoption.

It was during this period that the first research bureaus and demonstration grants in the welfare of children were legalized. Initial topics include methods to meet the needs of disadvantaged preschoolers and their families (the predecessors of the Head Start Program), the selection of foster parents, and the well-being of adopted children and their families. In 1962, the amendment of the Social Security Law authorized the Children's Bureau to make the first child welfare training grant for higher education institutions.

The focus on maternal and infant health programs continued throughout the 1960s. The Children's Bureau provides early national leadership in the diagnosis and treatment of phenylketonuria (PKU) to prevent mental retardation. Other specialized health care projects during this period included prosthetic research, epilepsy treatment, and the spread of vaccines for polio and other childhood illnesses.

The Children's Bureau also contributes to an increasing awareness of child abuse, or "battered child syndrome" as it was called in the early 1960s. The Bureau met with experts and drafted a model law that the state could use to require doctors and hospitals to report alleged harassment. All countries enacted some of these laws at the end of 1967. The Bureau also funded grants to examine the causes of child abuse and effective prevention methods.

In January 1963, the Children's Bureau was moved from the Social Security Administration to the newly formed Welfare Administration, reflecting an increasing emphasis on coordination between child welfare services and ADC programs.

In accordance with President Lyndon B. Johnson's priority, the Bureau's work on juvenile delinquency began to develop into a focus on the prevention and development of positive youth. The Youth Service Unit was created in 1966 to encourage more proactive services to help the youth transition succeed in becoming an adult. At the same time, the Children's Bureau continues to study ways to improve the effectiveness of the juvenile justice system. In 1967, the Bureau released a revised version of the Standard Standards for Juvenile and Family Courts . These standards, emphasizing the importance of legal proceedings for young offenders, are cited in an innovative decision within the Gault that year.


On September 17, 1969, the Children's Bureau was transferred to the new Office of Child Development (OCD) at the Office of the Secretary of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. At that time, many of the Bureau's responsibilities were assigned to other areas of the federal government. All health programs, including maternal and child health services, parenting services, maternal and infant care projects, and health research, are permanently transferred to the Public Health Service in Health Services and Mental Health Administration. Currently, these programs are still in the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Administration Services, US Department of Health and Human Services. Children's Bureau continues to research but is no longer responsible for direct service programs, including those relating to juvenile delinquency, child welfare, or families in the AFDC program. This reorganization basically narrows the Bureau's focus into three areas: increasing the number of adoptive families, helping to find permanent families for children awaiting adoption, and preventing and overcoming child abuse and neglect.

In response to the increasing number of children in the orphanage, the Children's Bureau grants during the 1970s investigated home-based services to strengthen families, family-centered homework, immortality planning, family reunification, the needs of children living with families, and how to remove barriers to adoption for children with special needs. The Bureau also examines the impact of labor issues on the foster care system and supports the growing foster parent movement through conferences and grants.

In adoption policy, the focus of the Children's Bureau shifts from seeking children to families to find parents for children. Increased attention is given to the increasing number of inaccessible children, including those from minorities, older children, children with disabilities, and sibling groups. The Bureau supports exploration of non-traditional adoption arrangements, such as cross-cultural, transracial, single parent, and subsidized adoption.

Part of the 1974 Criminal Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) created a National Center for Child Abuse and Abandonment (NCCAN) within the Children's Bureau. NCCAN centralizes and coordinates the evolving Bureau's focus on effective prevention of child abuse, research, state reporting laws, and systems.


President Jimmy Carter signed the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act on June 17, 1980. This landmark law assigns additional responsibilities to the Children's Bureau, including reporting to Congress on the placement of foster children, collecting and publishing data on parenting and adoption, and conduct routine audits of child welfare programs.

During the reign of President Ronald Reagan, there was an ongoing emphasis on family-based services, the adoption of special needs, and the prevention of child abuse. Some notable examples of the Bureau's projects during the 1980s included the first National Child Abuse Prevention Month proclamation and the National Adoption Week, the establishment of the National Information Lift Information Institute, and the creation of a Justice Act program to help countries improve their child abuse management cases , with special emphasis on child sexual abuse.

Current data collection systems from both the Children's Bureau, Adoption Analysis and Foster Care and Reporting System (AFCARS) and the National Child Abuse and Abandonment System (NCANDS) were developed during this period. Improved data collection results in a deeper understanding of families and children affected by child abuse and neglect, upbringing, and adoption. This led to legislative and policy changes during the late 1980s and early 1990s, including the creation of a federal program to support self-service services for young people out of foster care systems without permanent families. Responding to HIV and solving the cocaine epidemic, Congress created the Baby Infant-Relief Program Disposed in 1988.

On April 15, 1991, the Children and Family Administration today was created within the Department of Health and Human Services, which includes ACYF and the Children's Bureau. That same year, NCCAN was transferred from within the Children's Bureau and became a separate entity within the ACYF.

Kepala selama periode ini termasuk:

  • John Calhoun (1980-81)
  • Clarence E. Hodges (1981-84)
  • Dodie Truman Livingston (1984-89)
  • Wade Horn (1989-93)


President Bill Clinton signed the Conservation and Family Support Services Program Act of August 10, 1993, as part of the 1993 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (P.L. 103-66). The family conservation program, run by the Children's Bureau, provides official services to help families in crisis (such as quiet care and intensive home support), as well as family support and family reunification. P.L. 103-66 also established a Trial Increase Program, through which the Children's Bureau provides grants to improve the handling of child welfare cases in state courts, and provides additional funds for states to improve their child welfare data collection system.

Growing awareness of child abuse and neglect, and especially child mortality, has resulted in many improvements in prevention, investigation and prosecution. In 1996, the Children's Bureau created a new program, Community-Based Family Resource Assistance Fund and to encourage prevention and prevention programs for public and private children to work together more effectively.

In 1995, the Children's Bureau entered the Adoption Program Network to provide input on the new National Adoption Strategic Plan. Around the same time, President Clinton encouraged HHS to develop plans to double the number of adoptions and permanent placement of foster care over the next five years. HHS responds by issuing a report, with the assistance of the Bureau, outlining a series of policy-related measures and practices to achieve this goal. This Recommendation became the framework for the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA, PL 105-89), signed by President Clinton on November 19, 1997. The Children's Bureau is assigned to help countries bring their laws and policies to fit the new federal this. law, which focuses on timeliness, child welfare, and improved accountability of the child welfare system.

ASFA also requires HHS to set outcome measures to track State performance in protecting children. These measures were used in a series of annual reports on national outcomes for child welfare services, first published in 2000. The Family and Child Service Review (CFSRs), a federal review of the nation's child welfare system based on these results measures, 2001. The findings of the first round of CFSR provide more detailed information on the strengths and needs of the state, allowing the Bureau to make technical assistance and more focused data collection systems directly in the areas most in need. Some examples include:

  • Creating a Topical Quality Improvement Center (QIC) and a Regional Implementation Center, and improving coordination among the National Resource Center and Clearinghouses networks.
  • Creation of a data collection system to track the country's independent living services for youth (National Youth in Transition Database, NYTD, established in October 2010).
  • The launch of AdoptUSKids, a comprehensive program to increase adoption opportunities for children in orphanages. It includes national photolisting websites, training and technical assistance for states and tribes, and national recruitment campaigns, among other elements.

In 2003, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the first Presidential Proclamation of the Month on Prevention of Child Abuse, OCAN launched the National Child Abuse Prevention Initiative for a year. Since then, support for child abuse prevention has continued to grow, in part because of growing evidence that home-visit programs can effectively reduce persecution and improve outcomes for pregnant women and families with young children. In 2011, another child abuse prevention initiative began at the first Network for Action meeting of the Bureau.

The newer Children's Bureau Initiatives have included the following:

  • Since 2000, the Children's Bureau has sponsored conferences and funded free grants in the welfare staffing crisis. It launched the National Work Welfare Workforce Institute in 2008.
  • In 2009, the Bureau funded a new National Resource Center for Home-Based Services to support promising practices that can help children stay safe in their homes when their families are involved (or at risk involved) with the child welfare system.
  • The Bureau held its first Child Welfare Evaluation Meeting in 2009 to explore and promote an effective approach to evaluate children's welfare systems, projects and programs.
  • In 2010, the Children's Bureau provided funds to implement the Presidential Initiative to Reduce Long-Term Foster Care, which seeks to improve outcomes for groups of children who face the greatest obstacle to immortality.
  • In 2011, the Bureau sponsored a national meeting in partnership with the US Department of Education to improve stability and educational outcomes for children in care.


On April 9, 2012, the Children's Bureau marked its 100th anniversary with a ceremony at the Hubert H. Humphrey Building in Washington, DC. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Assistant Secretary of Assistant for Children and Family George Sheldon, and Associate Commissioner Joe Bock is one of the speakers at the event. Former ACYF Commissioner Carol Wilson Spigner (Carol Williams) was awarded the Centennial Children's Bureau for "exceptional vision and leadership in the field of child welfare services."

Maps United States Children's Bureau


In the early years, the Children's Bureau published many books on many topics related to the health and welfare of children, and distributed its publications widely. Full bibliography is not possible here, but the OpenLibrary search by the author gives some notions on various topics.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
